
Showing posts from August, 2020


Cash  waqf  is a type of  waqf  categorized as movable  waqf . Like other  waqf , cash  waqf  aims to promote service to mankind by establishing  waqf  using money. Historically, cash  waqf   was widely used by the Ottoman Empire since the end of 16 th  century. At that time, cash  waqf  was used to finance entrepreneurs for their business, and then the return was used for public service such as hospitalization, education, water channelling, bridges, roads, etc. Cash  waqf  played an important role in the economy of the empire. Unfortunately, the utilization of cash  waqf  faded away since the end of 19 th  century because of mismanagement, colonization, and secularism. The good news is, recently, there have been some efforts on reviving the  waqf  institution and the creation of moveable  waqf  (cash  waqf ) as an alternative way to solve the problem in econo...

Profit margin under Islamic law

Profit margin under Islamic law  Salim ur Rahman  Najeeb Zada study concludes that Islam does not fix a specific rate of profit to be charged. It only gives some general rules and guidelines about price charging. Leniency, brotherhood and mutual help is recommended by Islam. The rest should be left to market mechanism. If the contracting parties agree, there can be any rate of profit fixed in the contract. However, one must observe all the legal and ethical values and commands of Islam. Details of study-

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." [ Qur'an 48:29] IN the annals of men, individuals have not been lacking who conspicuously devoted their lives to the socio-religious reform of their connected peoples. We find them in every epoch and in all lands. In India, there lived those who transmitted to the world the Vedas, and there was also the great Gautama Buddha; China had its Confucius; the Avesta was produced in Iran. Babylonia gave to the world one of the greatest reformers, the Prophet Abraham (not to speak of such of his ancestors as Enoch and Noah about whom we have very scanty information). The Jewish people may rightly be proud of a long series of reformers: Moses, Samuel, David, Solomon, and Jesus among others. 2. Two points are to note: Firstly these reformers claimed in general to be the bearers each of a Divine mission, and they left behind them sacred books incorporating codes of life for the guidance of their peop...


THE NATURE OF SHUKR Rasulullah (saws) said: “If happiness reaches him (the believer), he is grateful.” THE NATURE OF SHUKR Accepting that all benefit is from the True Benefactor (Mun’im Haqeeqi), the effect of which is to be happy with the Benefactor and be ever ready to render obedience to Him, is the meaning of Shukr. The meaning of Shukr envisages: Acceptance of the fact that all benefit is from Allah, the True Benefactor (Mun’im Haqeeqi). This acceptance induces: 1. Happiness with the Benefactor. 2. Eagerness to execute the commands of the Benefactor and to abstain from his prohibitions. One should consider all benefit, goodness and pleasant conditions as the bounties of Allah and regard these to be in greater measure than what one really deserves. Praise is to be offered to Allah and His bounties should not be employed in evil and sin. His favours should be used in obtaining His Pleasure. This is the true meaning of Shukr. This conception of Shukr will be comprehe...