life lesson by mufti menk-223
1. We often carry our broken hearts to people, reveal to them our problems, only to be hurt even more. Confide in the One who heals the hearts. 2. Don't be sad when people plot and plan against you. The Almighty is in full control. Remember, His Will is above everyone's else's. 3. Charity begins at home. So don’t make your friends more important than your family. Some people are so good to those outside their homes but treat their family members badly; with abusive talk and action. If that’s the case, you've got a lot to work on. 4. Almighty. You are indeed the Best Planner. We thank You for giving us the strength when we felt like giving up. We’ve learnt not to panic because we know You’re with us. Keep our hearts firm in faith. We fully trust everything that You have planned for us. Aameen 5. With all the uncertainty in the world, it’s easy to feel hopeless. Don’t waste time wishing things were different. Where you are right now is where the Almighty wants you to...