
life lesson by mufti menk-258

  1. If something is bothering you badly, try your best to resolve it. Hand it over to the Almighty and keep your heart at ease knowing He will work it out. You don’t need to know how. Just trust Him. Be strong and choose to remain positive. 2. Prepare for the day you will meet the Almighty. Do it because no one knows who's next. It can come anytime. So prepare for it everyday, do your best to perfect your day, so that if that day is your last day, you have nothing to fear. 3. Almighty. Restore and mend our world that is broken. Heartache, despair and pain can be overwhelming. Grant peace to those who are marginalised and suffering from injustice. Only You can bring about any change. Aameen. 4. The road we’re traveling is getting tougher. No doubt about that. But we’re still here. Because the Almighty is charting our course every step of the way. Remember nothing happens by chance. 5. Quit overthinking. It will happen if the Almighty wills it. Any delay would mean that He has some

life lesson by mufti menk-257

  1.  Unfortunately, many people today think that unwholesome talk & swear words are cool. They’re not. Obscene, foolish talk or tasteless jokes have zero value. If at all, they might be hurtful. Keep a tight reign on your tongue & always use words that build others up. 2. Almighty. Protect our brothers and sisters in Palestine and Lebanon. Grant them a speedy recovery from their injuries and losses. Grant those who've been martyred the highest ranks of Paradise. Aameen 3. Think positive. Believe in yourself. Stay on the straight path. Nurture your faith. It’s a full time job. No days off. Don’t let Satan mess with your mind. 4. Don’t waste time. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you should be doing today. Life is short. Do as many good deeds as possible before your time is up. Yesterday can never be tomorrow. Don’t listen to Satan. If he can’t make you sin, he will make you waste time. 5. Almighty. Grant us renewed strength. Our souls are tired, sapped by the worldly going

life lesson by mufti menk-256

  1. Almighty. Grant us strength and courage in these difficult times. There’s a lot of anxiety and uncertainty gripping many of us. You know what is going to happen and You have promised to bring good out of every situation. We lay our trust in You; our greatest source of Hope. Aameen. 2. Hold on tight to your faith. Replace worry with worship. Panic with peace. Always remember that the Almighty is in control. Hand over your nagging doubts and innermost fears to Him. He will set them right for you and your heart will find tranquility once again. 3. Patience and faith are your best allies when things are tough and uncertain. Never think that the Almighty is unaware of what you’re going through. He’s in control every step of the way. He will unveil His plans when the time is right. 4. We had no say when we came into this world and similarly, we will have no say when we will leave this earth. Yet, we behave as if we know it all. We trudge the earth arrogantly without sparing a thought fo

life lesson by mufti menk-255

  1. When the whole world is in deep sleep, ‪When you wake for the sole purpose of worshipping your Lord, ‬ ‪When you’re alone with Him, crying out, seeking His help & forgiveness…‬ ‪That’s the cure for your distressed heart. 2. The Almighty will test us again & again. So when faced with a trial, instead of relying on other humans who are equally weak, learn to trust the Almighty. Watch how He will help us through unimaginable sources placed in our lives. 3. Almighty. Heal the wounds we’ve been keeping inside for too long. Grant us good patience to face whatever challenges You send our way. Grant a way out of our difficulties and keep us firm in faith. 4. We all want happiness. So be grateful when blessed. Be patient in facing trials. Repent and seek forgiveness when sinful. Do these consistently and watch life change. 5. Whatever we do in our lives will always come back to us eventually. So if we want goodness, stop making life difficult and creating obstacles for others. ‬ 6

life lesson by mufti menk-254

  1. The road we’re traveling is getting tougher. No doubt about that. But we’re still here. Because the Almighty is charting our course every step of the way. Remember nothing happens by chance. 2. Quit overthinking. It will happen if the Almighty wills it. Any delay would mean that He has something better planned for you. Be patient. Let your heart be at peace, knowing that He’s always there for you. 3. Things didn’t work out because you were under the Almighty’s Divine Protection. Yet, half the time we pine for what’s over and gone and refuse to accept that He did it in our best interest. He always does. 4. Almighty. We thank you for everything. We’ve learnt not to worry about tomorrow because YOU pulled us through yesterday. Now, we’ve been blessed with another new day. With Your help, we will face tomorrow and whatever You send our way. Aameen.0 5. Gossip is verbal poison. It seeks to defame & discredit others. It’s hurtful & dangerous. It’s the quickest way to destroy tr

life lesson by mufti menk-253

 1. Trust the Almighty to fix everything. In His own time. Our job is to trust and live each day to the best of our ability. Remember, He promises ease after hardship. Be patient. 2. Don't be bothered by what people think and say about you. As you grow older, you realise that all you need is to protect your peace. Let them say whatever they want and think whatever they will. Let the Almighty deal with them. 3. Almighty. Make our last deeds our best deeds. Make our last prayer our best prayer. Take us when You’re most pleased with us. Grant us Your Paradise without reckoning. Aameen. 4. You may have broken your promise to the Almighty hundreds of times, but His Mercy is limitless & He is always waiting to forgive. Again & again. For as long as you’re repenting & turning back to Him, that’s all that matters. 5. Keep going. Don’t quit. You’ve come this far. The difficult days will make way for happier days soon enough. Remember, nothing lasts. When you feel that you can’t

life lesson by mufti menk-254

  1. Don’t feel miserable and depressed when people misunderstand and reject you. It’s part of the Almighty’s plan to make you realize that you shouldn’t rely on His Creation but only on the One who created you. 2. Almighty. Grant us the strength and patience to face the challenges sent our way. You are our only hope. Without You, we have no one and nothing. Guide us every step of the way. We know You have our backs. Grant us success. Aameen. 3. You can’t change the past but you can build on it. Do not obsess over "if only". It’s the trick of Satan. Just focus on "what’s next". We don’t know what lies ahead but the Almighty does. Be optimistic and trust His plans. 4. What the heart sees, the mind preserves. Be careful. That’s why it’s important to lower the gaze. Letting the gaze go astray makes the heart blind; it can’t tell between truth & falsehood. It also cloaks the heart with darkness while lowering the gaze clothes it in light. 5. You didn’t get what you