life lesson by mufti menk-265
1. Almighty. We need You every single day of our lives. We thank You for giving us the strength to carry on & guiding us towards goodness. Help us stay away from distractions that take us away from remembering You. Grant us health & comfort. Above all, grant us peace in our hearts. Aameen. 2. There are those waiting to see you fail; waiting to see you get into trouble, waiting to see you falter, waiting to see you quit. Don’t give them that privilege. As long as you have the Almighty in your life, He will have your back. 3. The Almighty makes you wait because His timing is always the best. No matter how dark your days, how difficult the challenge, put your trust in Him and never stop calling out to Him. The rewards will be beautiful.. always. 4. Almighty. We thank You for blessing us again and again. We know Your Plan is always the best, even though the process may be painful and difficult at times. Your Will is beyond our will and we trust You upon all conditions. 5. Wh...