life lessons by mufti menk-16

life lessons by mufti menk-16

1.Maybe the Almighty’s teaching you how to wait because He wants you to know that you can’t actually control your life no matter how hard you try. You may think you’re holding the reins but the truth is you’re not because that’s His job, not yours. Lest you forget! ‬

2.Almighty. We pray for healing. The world seems to be spiraling out of control. There’s widespread mayhem. We even see chaos in our own lives. There are days where we feel demoralized. You're the only One who can lift our spirits & will truly listen. You have all the answers! ‬

3.Almighty. We pray for ease amidst all the suffering going on in the world today. May You comfort every heart that’s experiencing the heaviness of loss. Only You can heal the brokenness and void left by loved ones gone. It’s a very trying period for many. Grant us the utmost patience!‬

4.Never doubt that whatever trial the Almighty sends your way, you’ll be able to handle it. He will never ask you to do something that you can’t do. He will never test you beyond your capabilities. You are fully equipped, qualified, and capable to face the trials. Trust Him!

5.Why do you resent other people’s success? The trouble is social media makes it worse. You believe that everyone else is happier & wealthier as you view their posts. Stop comparing yourself to others. Reframe your mindset. your job is to do your best with what you’ve been given!‬

6.Sometimes the hardest person to correct is yourself. There is no shame in being wrong. We are human and we make mistakes. The shame is in choosing to stay on the wrong path. Make that change, as difficult as you think it is. Take that first step; get back on track! ‬

7.Listen to your instincts. Depending on the state of your piety & heart, they can be your moral compass. If you keep purifying your heart, the Almighty will send you a light to distinguish between truth & falsehood, right & wrong. So pay attention to your gut feel & sixth sense! ‬

8.Good and bad days exist in this journey called life. One day you feel broken, the next day you feel whole. It’s all part of the Almighty’s Plan. It’s teaching us to lay complete trust in Him. Remember, we walk by faith. He will not allow us to break, He will carry us through! ‬

9.We sin & make mistakes daily. Everyone who makes a mistake deserves another chance; we’re human enough to make a mistake. Therefore, everyone deserves another chance. Imagine, if the Almighty accepts our repentance & is willing to forgive, shouldn’t we do the same for others?‬

10.When making tough decisions in life, always be sure you’ll be pleasing the Almighty and not incurring His wrath. That way, you’ll always find yourself guided because at the end of the day, the final judgment is up to Him alone. Don’t worry what people will think or say! ‬


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