life lessons by mufti menk- 42

life lessons by mufti menk

1.Wake each morning thanking the Almighty because no one knows what each day may bring. No matter what’s going on in our lives, show utmost gratitude. A new day is a gift, a blessing from Him. Not everyone gets it. Some had huge plans for today but didn’t wake up! So thank Him! ‬

2.Have you been waiting for a while? Waiting for your test to be over; for the Almighty to grant ease; for the bad moments to fade. Waiting is about patience. Patience leads to success. It’s not easy; not for the faint-hearted. It’s based on sincerity & prayer, wisdom & hope!

3.What we see as mistakes can actually be a turning point. The Almighty can turn the mistake into a huge blessing. It’s up to you to see it or are you too busy wallowing in self-pity? Don’t beat yourself up for the mistakes you've made. Use them to propel you to the next level!

4.What people think of you doesn’t matter. In this social media age, we’re fixated on perception; it’s all about what people think of us, how they view us, their approval etc. Take a step back. It’s the Almighty’s approval that we need. If He’s pleased with us, nothing else matters!‬

5.Never give up when the going gets tough. Never quit at the first sign of difficulty. Life was never meant to be easy; it’s a constant struggle with lows and highs. The times when it’s most important to persevere are the times that you will be most tested. Keep going. Trust Him!

6.Remember that life is not a sprint but a marathon. The race is not for the fastest nor the strongest who can flex his muscles but for those who will run at a steady pace till the end. With utmost endurance and patience. The ultimate test of your faith. Do you have what it takes? ‬

7.When you ask the Almighty for something, ask with confidence. Ask with positivity. He always hears and knows what is best for you. If what He gave you seemed like a NO to your request, understand that He has something much better in-store. Embrace what you have and look ahead!

8.When someone is hurtful or racist towards you, don’t reciprocate. It doesn’t give you the green light to behave the same towards them. Don’t let the ugliness of someone else’s character change who you are. Remember that ugliness is a reflection of their character. Not yours! ‬

9.Life isn't about who you once were. It's about who you are & have the potential to be! Everyone has a past. So don’t worry about those who keep bringing up your past. Don't let such talk deter you from looking ahead with positivity. Seek your strength from the Almighty!

10.Remember that words like impossible, unheard of, unthinkable, unknown, unseen, and unexpected don’t mean anything to the Almighty. He can make everything happen at the drop of a hat. Your task is to do your best and trust Him completely with your life. You will be unstoppable! ‬

11.So the Almighty doesn’t give you what you’ve been asking for and you think He doesn’t love you. Never think that way of Him because He knows what you don’t! He could be saving you from a calamity. Unanswered prayers can be your greatest blessings. Have faith, trust Him always! ‬

12.Let’s face it. You are not going to wake up every morning feeling like you can conquer the world. That’s ok. But don’t quit. Those “low” days are crucial in your development. The Almighty will see you through. Place your firm belief and trust in Him. Your load will lighten. ‬

13.The Almighty puts different people in our lives for different reasons. No one is there by accident. Learn to identify the people He has placed in your life and be sensitive to the purpose they serve. Some won’t be there forever. There is a time, place, and purpose for everything.

14.Almighty. Protect us from being leaking buckets; those who engage in bad deeds just after doing good acts of worship. May we not be among those who pray, fast, and give charity but curse, swear, gossip and backbite without batting an eyelid. Help us stay away from such behavior.‬

15.This is life. People will cause you pain, hurt you, put you down, make you feel bad about yourself as if you’re the bad one! It’s how you react that will determine the outcome. They are powerless until you choose to empower them. Don’t give them that privilege.


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