life lessons by mufti menk-47

life lessons by mufti menk

1.Doubt and disbelief - Satan’s handiwork! Don’t fall prey to any of that. Keep a lid on his whispering that will always come back to you. That is his forte. He will never give up. That’s why you need to bolt the door and focus on your journey ahead. Don’t let him trick you.

2.Almighty. Grant us peace of mind to ease our troubled hearts. The soul feels like a turbulent sea. It’s hard to navigate the troubled waters; we often stumble and worry constantly. Give us the strength and courage to steady ourselves and to stay afloat on the straight path.

3.You want to change things? Shift your mindset. Most things will never change until your mind does! Embrace positivity. Don’t let Satan or anyone mess with your mind. Keep your focus on your goal & work at it. The Almighty never said it’d be easy but He promised it’d be worth it!

4.Don’t always blame circumstances for where you are in life. The Almighty has blessed every one of us with so much, it’s up to us to use those blessings in the best way. People who make it in life are those who take charge & create circumstances instead of wandering aimlessly.

5.Stop making negative comments & spreading rumours about others. Not only are you ruining people’s reputation, you’re also giving yourself a bad name. Engage in positive activities and steer your mind towards all things good. You’ll end up attracting like-minded people! Try it!

6.Many people worry about not having figured out their lives. What does that really mean? As long as you’re on the path prescribed by the Almighty and doing your best, trust Him to work it all out for you. You don’t have to figure everything out on your own. We have a loving Lord!

7.Some are so obsessed over winning an argument that they will do what it takes to get the upper hand. Don’t! Instead, take a step back and understand that no one ever wins in an argument. You often end up with a lot of bad feelings. Do your best to stay away from such situations!

8.Take ownership of your life. Don’t expect people to fix things for you when they go wrong as they often will. It’s not someone's responsibility to fill in the missing pieces of our lives. Learn to be self-sufficient. Resolve your issues soonest possible. Don’t let them fester! ‬

9.Make a concerted effort to remove guilt, anger, blame, resentment, regret, worry, envy and hate from your heart. Your life and health will improve dramatically once you eliminate these diseases. Peace and contentment will reign in your new mindset. Do it today! ‬

10.In times of hardship, pain and loss who do you turn to first? Make sure you seek solutions and a way out from the Almighty instead of others. Let us not search for temporary comforts in people and worldly things. May we be among those who seek help through patience and prayer!

11.Don’t be an arrogant sinner. Quickly acknowledge your sin, repent and get back on track. The Almighty, with His limitless Mercy will forgive you. Remember, Paradise and Hellfire exist for sinners. The former for the repentant ones & the latter for those who are arrogant.

12.So your life’s a mess & you can’t find a way out. You’ve never felt so alone. Remember, in the blink of an eye, the Almighty can show you a way out. You only have to turn to Him. Ask Him. He’s capable of giving you what you want and more. He will heal you. He will protect you.

13.The Almighty knows you better than you know yourself. He knows everything about you to the minutest detail. Every dream in your heart, He is aware of. Whatever He gives you is for your own good. Whatever He withholds from your is also for your own good. So do not be sad! ‬
14.Nothing in your life is a mistake. Everything has been carefully planned by the Almighty to the minutest detail. Your job is to always do your best. Even when you think nothing is going on, He’s busy behind the scenes. He will open doors which you could never open by yourself!

15.When you’re trusted, take it seriously. Trust is fragile. Because it’s often given freely, it’s also easily taken for granted. Once you’ve been betrayed, it can be very hard, if not impossible, to earn it back. The scars may be so deep & are forever embedded in a person’s mind!‬


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