life lessons by mufti menk-48

 life lessons by mufti menk

1.Some get a big thrill from boasting about their achievements or showing off their possessions. They believe that they’re better than others. They may even end up bossing people around. That’s wrong. Remember, whatever you have, someone will have more! That’s life! Stay humble! ‬

2.We don’t respond well to being put down & pride gives people that feeling with its “I’m better than you” implications. Humility has the opposite effect. If you put others above yourself, they’ll feel good whenever they’re around you. That will surely have a positive impact! ‬

3.Take the spite out of your heart. Purify it. Your heart is a small organ. When you fill it with hatred for someone, you’re preventing it from being filled with the love of the Almighty. Always ask Him to protect us from hearts that are consumed by hatred, envy, pride, jealousy!

4.Almighty, in a world that never stops talking, let us learn to appreciate silence. Grant us the ability to listen to the unspoken words many are uttering but no one is listening because everyone’s busy talking. Grant ease to those who are battling their trials quietly! Aameen!

5.Make it a point to encourage someone today. Urge them to hang in there, to persist towards their goal. Keep reminding them, show your concern and interest in their well-being, say a prayer for them. People are empowered by the words, “I’m so proud of what you are doing.”

6.Some people spend their whole life waiting. Waiting for the right time to repent from sins, to worship the Almighty, to turn over a new leaf, to do good etc. This is the trap of Satan. No one is promised tomorrow. Don’t waste your life procrastinating. Do your best today!

7.Everyone makes mistakes. There are no exceptions. The person we’re dealing with may be new to what they are doing, not feeling well, or coping with personal issues & are doing their best to carry on. Giving them the chance to make it right could be the small respite they need! ‬

8.Are you guilty of harsh speech, not showing mercy to others, ugly character, poor conduct, judgemental and always complaining? If you have any of these traits, it’s time to clean up your act. Work consciously to eradicate such behavior and feel the goodness you will attract!

9.Every day we hear people lament that they don’t have enough time. Actually, the real problem is we waste so much of it that we lose track of time! Take stock of how you spend your time. Don’t make excuses. Start doing what matters most. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve!‬

10.Be aware of what you’re spreading. Today, people thrive on fake news, half-truths & gossip. Society tends to applaud such things & punish people for being genuine and authentic. Don’t be part of this culture. Verify your sources; read & re-read before you hit that button!‬

11.Stop playing the blame game. Some just blame others for all their problems. They’re never responsible, accountable or want to take ownership of their problems. It’s always someone else’s fault. This is a dangerous way to live. Change your mindset if you want to fix your life.

12.Today we’re more argumentative than we’ve ever been & one of the main reasons for this is social media. We’ve seen in posts where tempers flare, harsh words are used. A virtual shouting match with people we’ve never even met! Don’t get involved. Stay away from arguments!

13.We used to say don't believe till you see it with your own eyes. Today, it’s no longer true. Even if you see it with your own eyes & it looks or sounds so REAL, there’s huge possibility it's a #deepfake video; that’s photoshopped, edited or totally fabricated. Be very cautious!

14.There are people around you who need what you have. Use whatever the Almighty has bestowed you with to help others as much as you can. It need not be material. Time, energy, words of motivation, a listening ear, a helping hand can go a long way towards brightening someone’s day! ‬

15.Shake off what didn’t work and don’t live in yesterday’s mindset. Work hard to achieve what you want. Nothing comes easy. The Almighty has given you much, so make use of the faculties you have and don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. Hard work never killed anyone! ‬


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