life lessons by mufti menk-50

life lessons by mufti menk

1.When your heart is heavy & burdened & your mind sees no way out, that’s when you need to trust the Almighty & depend on Him even more. Don’t entertain negative thoughts from Satan. Rise above it. It won’t be easy but you must do it. Bear utmost patience & He will find a way out!

2.It’s easy to focus on the negatives in your life and start complaining about what’s not good enough or what’s lacking. Don’t do it. Because it will steal your peace and you’ll never be satisfied with what you have, always wanting more. Don’t let your hearts be troubled.

3.Walking around with a heart that’s hardened is one of the worst calamities that can befall anyone. Don’t allow it to reach that stage. Constantly remember the Almighty. Should you feel yourself getting distant from Him, quickly rectify the situation by getting back on track.

4.What’s past is done and gone forever. You can’t go back in time to undo anything. Accept what happened and seek forgiveness from the Almighty. The only thing to do is to go forward, learn from past mistakes and with hindsight, forgive yourself for not knowing better then.‬

5.Almighty. Keep our hearts connected to You at all times. When we’re tempted to sin, let us remember that You’re watching & that the Angels are recording what we do. Give us the strength to exercise self-restraint. Make it difficult for us to commit acts that incur Your Wrath!‬

6.Learn to restrain your anger because if you let it get out of hand, the consequences will be dire. Cursing, swearing, spewing hate & hurting someone are possible outcomes. Anger can lead to many evils. So exercise self-control & you won’t have to live with regret. ‬

7.Don’t argue for the sake of arguing. Some just need to find flaws in everything or disagree just to be disagreeable. The Almighty dislikes such acts. You don’t always need to have the last say & be the smartest person in the room. Choose your battles & have a sense of proportion.‬

8.There’s wisdom in embracing your mistakes. What would we learn if we never made mistakes? Let us not be embarrassed by them & view them positively. Accept that we are not & never will be perfect! We are a never-ending work in progress! If you’re not working on it, start today! ‬

9.Whether you’re celebrating #Christmas or not, whether you're on holiday or not, be respectful & learn to coexist peacefully. Learn to accept differences of opinion. Imposing your opinion on others won't heal the ailing globe. Hate less & love more. Think hard about this.

10.The world today is such that whatever people don’t know about you, they create. They piece together what they hear from rumours, social media as well as assumptions & lies. It spreads really fast by the touch of a button. Stay away from such acts. You’ll be held accountable!‬

11.Some can’t stop living in the past. They keep replaying the same scenario over & over again, how much they suffered, how they were mistreated etc. Such things only poison your mind, make it hard for you to move on & fill you with negativity. Break free from the past! Move on!

12.The Almighty doesn't just tell us to do something; He guides us through it. Part of it includes getting us to be in the right place at the right time. He puts different people in our lives at different times. Nothing is a coincidence. You just have to surrender and trust Him! ‬

13.Don’t let Satan fool you into thinking that you have a lot of time left in this world. You don’t. Nobody does. Focus on your life ahead and free yourself from Satan’s traps. It can be challenging but keep going. Continue to strive for the Almighty's Pleasure in all that you do! ‬

14.Even if all doors seem closed & you feel like you’re facing a dead end, the Almighty can & will provide alternative solutions to your problem. Understand His Plan. Keep a look out for new opportunities. Often we are so hung up on the closed doors that we fail to see what’s there!‬

15.Learn to appreciate closed doors. They’re not meant to hurt you. But they’re there to save you. It’s difficult for us to understand this at times, given our limited minds. We need to fully trust the Almighty, who is in complete control. He is flawless. He knows what He’s doing. ‬


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