life lessons by mufti menk-51

 life lessons by mufti menk

1.Arrogance at its worst would have you believe that you're always right. You strut around like you know everything. Confidence is humble, quiet & doesn't shout. You’re full of beneficial knowledge & you share it in a manner that doesn’t make the other person feel ignorant! ‬

2.Nothing good comes from sowing or spewing venom on others. You might “feel” good for a while but trust me, it will cause more problems in the long run. It will come back to haunt you in ways you never imagined. The Almighty will see to it. Best to stay away from such toxic acts.

3.You have the choice to focus on your blessings or your problems. Whichever you choose will either bring about contentment or worry and stress in your life. The more you focus on your blessings the more the Almighty will bestow upon you. He loves a grateful heart. So choose wisely!‬

4.Worry is one of the biggest thieves around. It can steal your time, rob you of your sleep, affect your peace of mind, sap your energy and leave you completely stressed out. Turn your worry into worship. Seek the Almighty and find your much-needed strength to carry on. ‬

5.Be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them. The opinions of your friends are often more important than those of others; even your family members. That’s why it’s in your interest to choose your friends wisely. They can be the reason why you succeed or fail! ‬

6.Negative emotions will bring about negative consequences. Just as we learn how helpful love & compassion can be, we also understand that anger, pride, jealousy and arrogance can be detrimental. So always choose to respond positively. It will have a huge impact on your life.

7.Almighty. Grant peace in our hearts. There’s so much confusion around us & we lack clarity of mind. We’re worried & anxious, always thinking about our problems. Calm us down. Remove everything that’s causing grieve, sorrow & stress in our lives. Heal & guide us in our journey! ‬

8.Don't be afraid of change for the better. Be afraid of staying the same! When we’re no longer able to change a situation, we’re challenged to change ourselves. It takes courage, discipline & focus. Seek your strength from the Almighty. Do it single-mindedly. You’ll get there!

9.You don’t have to compromise your convictions to be compassionate. By all means disagree with someone on anything and everything. But don’t hate them. Similarly, just because you love someone, you don’t have to agree with everything they believe or do. Be firm but polite always!

10.You don’t need people’s approval to be content in life or to do good. If they have issues with you, it’s not about you, it’s about their insecurities. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Let it go or you’ll end up exasperated. Your approval is from the Almighty.

11.The only ones who matter are truly those who cheer loudest for you when you’re down. They believe in you when others don’t. They stand by you when others have abandoned you. Such people are few and far between these days. You’re blessed if you have such a person in your life!

12.If there’s something we all share, it is death. Everyone will face it. There’s no escaping. So why do we live life as if it’s forever and we take death so lightly. We forget that it can overtake us anytime, anywhere. Life is short. Remember no one is promised tomorrow.

13. Don’t worry about being popular and loved by the masses. If you choose to get closer to the Almighty and live a life according to His Plan, you’ll find yourself walking alone mostly. It may seem daunting and frightening at times. But don’t worry. He’s your Guide & Protector!

14.Unfortunately, many people today think that unwholesome talk & swear words are cool. They’re not. Obscene, foolish talk or tasteless jokes do nothing for those who listen. If at all, they might be hurtful. Keep a tight reign on your tongue & always use words that build others up!

15.Happiness will not come to those who are never grateful for the Almighty’s blessings; those who don’t appreciate what they already have. This world is not a place where you get exactly what you want. There are many out there who will never have what you have; so be thankful!


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