life lessons by mufti menk-52

 life lessons by mufti menk

1.If you’re always unhappy & discontented with life, check yourself for these symptoms. Are you always criticizing others; complaining that your life isn’t good enough; quick to condemn people or comparing yourself with your neighbors? Stop doing all that & feel the difference!

2.We tend to beat ourselves up over our own mistakes. But we forget that what we see as a mistake, the Almighty uses it to propel us forward to live a life of purpose. So be kind to yourself. Learn from the mistakes. They enable you to grow as a person & become a better you! ‬

3.The sadness you see, the disappointment you witness, the Almighty knows it all. We all fight battles no one knows except Him. Just remember, He knows all & can help with all. There is no pain He does not understand. There is no struggle He does not know. He is All-Knowing!

4.If Satan can’t trap someone into sinning, be it major or minor, he keeps them busy with trivial acts that have no benefit. Instead of using our time wisely, fulfilling our priorities towards the Almighty & reaching our goal, Satan occupies us with useless actions. Stay vigilant!

5.In this age of social media, may we always be protected from unintentional evil we set on ourselves. Keep thanking the Almighty for all that He has blessed us with and be careful when showing off your blessings for the world to see. Keep arrogance at bay and always stay humble! ‬

6.One of the biggest problems we face in our lives today is distraction! There’s too much going on around us that it’s hard to stay focused. Everything screams for our attention. Don't waste time on anything that doesn't improve and enhance your life in any way. Stay vigilant!

7.You don’t have to apologise if the answer is no! Be upfront & honest when you say it. Do it for self-care. Many can’t say no because they don’t want to appear rude or ill-mannered; & they’re concerned about the opinion of others. This is harmful behaviour. You’ve got to stop it!

8.People can only make you feel inferior if you give them the power to do so. Don’t do that. You don’t need their approval for anything in your life. The only approval you need is from the Almighty and no one else. Lay your trust in Him no matter what you’re going through in life.

9.Your cries to the Almighty are more than just tears. He knows what you’re feeling, what you’re saying even though you’re not articulating. He’s the Lord of the Worlds. So remember, even though you feel like you’re in a dark place right now, His light will shine through. Hold on.

10.Embrace pain. It’s part of the process. Nothing good is achieved when it’s all smooth sailing. Expect knocks, disappointment, falls etc. They allow you to grow into a better version of yourself. You have to trust the journey. The Almighty will grant you victory as a result!


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