life lesson by mufti menk -57

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.Learn to stay calm in a world that is so chaotic today. Whatever you can’t control, hand it over to the Almighty. Do your best with the rest that life has offered you. Don’t compare yourself with others. We all deal with things differently. Accept the differences. Respectfully!

2.Many of us are fooled into believing that strength is what we can do. No. Strength is more importantly overcoming the things we once thought we couldn't do. Learn to focus your heart and mind to it. Believe in yourself and seek help from the Almighty. You’ll get there eventually!

3.We feel exhausted at times, on the verge of giving up. We even lower our expectations. But we have to persevere because only the Almighty knows when the time is right. Keep our faith firm while waiting, trusting You always. Aameen

4.You’re not a failure. You’re not doomed. You’re not worthless. Everyone makes mistakes in life. Everyone falls. Even champions. The difference is they get up and try again. Have another go at it. Don’t stay down. Have firm faith. It’s not over yet. If you quit, that’s the end.

5.Do you have friends who will tell you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear? If you do, you’re blessed. Such people are rare these days. They’re the ones who will keep you humble, keep you grounded, keep you sane & keep you going. Remember to keep them close.

6.Don’t let anyone belittle your efforts, no matter how small. If you’re doing your best, that’s all that matters. The Almighty has brought you this far. Look at where you are today. Quit overthinking. If you ever doubt yourself, remember how you started and how far you’ve come!

7.Almighty. Grant us peace of mind & calm our troubled hearts. Remove all things that are causing stress, sorrow & grief in our lives. We lay our burdens before You; our worries, anxieties & fear. Keep us constant in prayers & may we always be grateful instead of wanting more!

8.Almighty. We ask You to lighten our load, grant us direction and strength to see through our day. We trust You to direct our steps and actions. May Your goodness and Mercy surround us always. Aameen.

9.Life has a way of unfolding when you least expect it. You’ll be betrayed by those you trusted. You’ll fall out with so-called friends. Don’t despair. The Almighty is in full control. He knows who should go & who should stay. He will pave a way out for you. Keep going. Trust Him!

10.Be committed to your spiritual growth. It’s not an easy journey. Satan is waiting & lurking around the corner to sidetrack you. If you don't commit to it, slowly you’ll shift down, lose your vision & start talking & behaving like those who don't care about their Creator. Beware!


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