life lesson by mufti menk-60

 life lesson by mufti menk-60

1.Don’t let Satan make you doubt. He’s good at that. Doubt creates uncertainties in your heart & mind. It makes you feel uneasy & directionless. You need to anchor your faith firmly & take control of your life. The Almighty is always there to steady you & get you back on track!

2.Sitting around, wasting time gossiping, and judging others is not unfamiliar to many. They forget that such acts are a sin. Use the time wisely to improve yourself. Remember, tomorrow is not promised to anyone. So don’t waste your short life and start rearranging your priorities!

3.Train yourself to be less angry and reactive to everything that’s being said about you. Every comment, every retort, every criticism; just take them all in your stride. Remember, silence often speaks volumes. Save your energy for that which really requires your involvement!

4.How can you stay positive in a world that’s really quite bleak out there? Let’s admit it. It can be rather difficult at times. But the bottom line is: you should always thank the Almighty for what you have and trust Him for all your needs. Never doubt what He can do!

5.While the world’s busy competing with one another, be among those who are busy competing with ourselves. Be better than you were yesterday. Work hard. Never put others down to elevate yourself. People will see through it. Be kind to all you meet. The right people will value you.

6.No matter what you’ve done in life, always believe that your transformation is possible. It’s only a call away. The Almighty’s waiting for you to turn back to Him. His Mercy is overwhelming, you could never imagine. So all is not lost if you seek His forgiveness and start over!

7.Keep some things private between you & the Almighty. There are some things you need only to confide in Him alone! Remember, not everyone needs to know what you’re doing, what’s going on in your life, etc. The less people know about you, the better. Privacy is a prized possession!

8.This disease is so rampant. Many suffer from it. Stop comparing yourself to others. Break the habit of feeling insecure, envious & discontented with your life. One of the main reasons is social media! Remember, wanting what others have is a waste of time; live your own life!

9.Your mind can be your best friend or worst enemy. Train it well. If you don’t, it will assume it’s your master & it shall do as it pleases, it will spiral into negativity, depression & it becomes a force that drags you down instead of helping you. Always steer it to positivity!

10.Life’s a process. You can’t have a haphazard journey and expect to emerge top. Though you may not like what you are going through right now, your struggle is preparing you for your next level. Embrace the trials that come your way. Trust the Almighty to be your Guide & Protector!

11.You will be offended by some people at some point in your life. Don’t take it to heart. Don’t keep it inside you. Holding on to hurt and pain will only harm you in the long run. Choose to forgive. Release the baggage of your past. Let it go and let the Almighty heal you!

12.Almighty. Despite life’s uncertainties, we know You’re directing our steps towards all that’s good. May Your Mercy surround us every moment. Our hearts are strengthened because we have hope in You. We know You’ll open doors that we didn’t even knock-on. Keep us firm in the faith!

13.Even the most "genuine" people can fool you. In this day & age, it’s hard to tell who’s a true friend. So you go through life hoping people are being sincere & genuine. But be prepared to be let down. It’s part of life. People will hurt you. Only the Almighty can heal you!


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