life lessons by mufti menk-56

life lessons by mufti menk

1.Be mindful how you use social media. It’s becoming more hostile recently. Never forget that social media is a tool. We decide how the tool is used. Use it to spread goodness & positivity; the ripple effects can be tremendous. Avoid bad words, no matter what they say about you!

2.Unfortunately, our society has low tolerance for those who fail. In fact, many success stories start with failure. Failure makes you tougher. It helps to redirect you in the right direction. Embrace failure for it’s a sign that you’re trying & that’s good enough for the Almighty!

3.Almighty. Help us understand that even when faced with fear & anxiety, You’re there to comfort us. May we not fret & worry over what lies ahead & instead learn to trust You in all our affairs. When the world feels out of control, make us turn to prayer to calm our hearts. Aameen.

4.Almighty. We hand over everything to You, knowing that You’re the Best of Planners. Ease our worries of yesterday so that it doesn’t rob us of our peace today. Help us to focus on things that truly matter and to channel our energies for the best outcome.

5.We live in a world that’s obsessed with gaining more. More wealth, fame, money, attention, friends, etc. We forget to appreciate what we have along the way. Don’t be surprised when the Almighty decides to take away what He’s blessed you with because you were so distracted!

6.Understand the Almighty’s plan as you journey on. Accept the challenges along the way. Know that nothing happens by accident. Everything is carefully planned by the Master Planner. So don’t get upset when tests come your way. They are there for a reason. Keep moving forward.

7.Are you the person who sees the glass as half full rather than half empty? Remember, being positive is one of the main things you need for survival. Your ability to do this, no matter what life throws at you is key to being happy & appreciating where you are in life. Thank the Almighty.

8.We suffer from information overload. Many people obsess over how much news & updates they need to know to stay on top of things. In fact, learn to be mindful of how much news you consume. Learn to exercise restraint. You DON’T need to know everything!

9.Let’s make today the day we change the way we respond to people & things around us. We need to take control of how we react to things. Be conscious of the decisions we make. Remember, we don’t always get to choose the circumstances, but we certainly get to choose how we respond!

10.You’re allowed to have questions & you’ll not have the answers to everything that’s going on around you. That’s the Almighty’s job. Seek Him always. In good & bad times. He’s always there for you. He’s your source of light. You don’t have to shoulder the shadows on your own.


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