life lesson by mufti menk-61

 life lesson by mufti menk-61

1.Jealousy is evil. Don’t let it take root in your heart. It can multiply like cancer cells, jeopardizing your future blessings! The longer you leave it in your heart, the more it spreads & damages you from the inside out. Quit being jealous. Encourage & uplift one another instead!

2.Always remember that we are nothing without the Almighty. But with Him, we can expect great things. He has blessed us with so much. Never forget to count your blessings and be grateful. Gratitude is key. Gratitude brings contentment. Gratitude makes what we have, enough!

3.Stop telling people more than they need to know. It only provides them with fodder for more gossip. Oversharing is not healthy. It can lead to unnecessary complications in life especially if you shared with the wrong people!

4.Let’s face it. We all tend to worry about the future from time to time. That’s ok. We’re human. But try not to exhaust yourself on something that hasn’t even happened. Don’t clutter your mind with such thoughts. Focus on the present moment. Live positively. Trust the Almighty!

5.This life is a test. Take it in your stride. Remember, nothing lasts. There’ll be good days and tough days. So don’t let the difficult days destroy you. Similarly, the good days shouldn’t distract you to such an extent that you forget your purpose in this life! Keep it balanced!

6.Be mindful of your words. Always speak the truth. Uncovering a lie can be extremely painful. Once someone lies to you, the trust is broken. Rebuilding trust after that can be extremely challenging. May the Almighty protect us from such acts and keep us trustworthy at all times!

7.Don’t use hurtful words on anyone. Don’t mock someone for whatever it is they may be going through. If it’s something you haven’t experienced & endured, you shouldn’t pass judgment. Because when it happens to you, you might become everything you ever criticized in others!

8.Be patient with others. Remember, the Almighty is most patient with you. How many times have you faltered; yet He brought you back on track, repeatedly! There will come a point in life when it will just hit you. Indeed, we have a Lord who is Most Merciful!

9.Almighty. The pressures of life at times push us to a corner, making it hard to move forward. Help us not to quit but to keep going on the straight path faithfully. Give us the strength to overcome each obstacle in our path. We have full faith in You, with Your Mercy and Might!

10.Learn to set healthy boundaries. Learn when to walk away and when to work things out. You can’t control how people treat you. That’s on them not you but you can control what you tolerate. Be kind but firm. There’s no need to be rude about it. You’ll be thankful you did it!


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