life lessons by mufti menk-62

 life lessons by mufti menk-62

1.There’s a teaching moment in every trial that the Almighty sends your way. Each pain makes you stronger; every betrayal makes you wiser, every failure makes you more resilient. He will keep testing us till we learn the intended lesson. Keep learning! Life always has a lesson!

2.When you’re close to the Almighty, you’ll be extremely grounded. Nothing worldly will shake or affect you that you lose your sense of self. You’ll have inner peace. You won’t be easily provoked. You’re better able to control your anger. You’re calm in the face of adversity!

3.Wait patiently. It’s never a punishment. It could be a protection. And it’s certainly a preparation for when the door finally opens. It’s all to do with timing. The Lord of the Worlds knows when it’s best to give you what you’ve been asking for day and night!

4.At times, the Almighty will slow you down just to protect you. A delay doesn’t mean denial. There’s evil ahead of you which you can’t see but He can. So don’t always be in a hurry. Read His signs. You’ll be forever grateful that you didn’t rush headlong into things. Slow down!

5.Learn to be fair. The Almighty loves those who are just. Sometimes you don’t like someone based on what others have said about him or someone else's description of him. But he turned out to be a good person. So stay away from having preconceived ideas. Give everyone a chance!

6.The Almighty will give you what you want when the time’s right. If it’s good for you, He’ll make sure that you get it. If it’s bad for you, He will keep it away from you. Never for a moment think that He hasn’t heard you. He knows what’s in your heart even before you uttered it!

7.We often forget who’s in control of our journey. We plan as if everything is guaranteed. As if we’ll get everything we want. But the Almighty has shown us, especially during this pandemic that we should appreciate everything that we have. He can take away anything, anytime!

8.Learn to wait patiently. Not with a bad attitude. When you see friends being blessed, be happy for them. Pray for their well-being so the Almighty might grant you the same favours. Your turn will come. Live by this principle: when it wasn’t my turn, I never hated. I just waited!

9.Feel hopeless? Feel like the world is caving in on you? Feel like you’re in total darkness with no light at the end of the tunnel? Remember, no matter what you’re going through, that one sincere prayer can change your entire life. Where there’s hope, there’s life. Always!

10.The greater the obstacles, the greater the victory. Don’t complain when your test is a difficult one. The Almighty tests those He loves most. He’ll keep testing us. There’s a purpose behind the trial. Tests are a way to purify us. Embrace it. You’ll realize its value eventually!


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