life lessons by mufti menk-63

 life lessons by mufti menk-63

1.Almighty. Forgive us for trying to fix things on our own. Forgive us for running around seeking help when we should be turning to You. Forgive us for forgetting how much we need You above everyone & everything else. You know our pain, burden & cares. Heal us. Make us whole again!

2.Let’s be honest about it. From time to time, we all do foolish things. We make mistakes. As long as we acknowledge our shortcomings and seek forgiveness, nothing we do is beyond the capacity of the Almighty to forgive. Remember, we make mistakes. He doesn’t! He’s perfect!

3.Do you sometimes feel like the weight of the world is too much on your shoulders? Don’t fret. You’re never alone. Don’t think you’re helpless & there’s no way out. Seek your strength from the Almighty. Feel your load lighten. Know that He will grant you the best outcome!

4.You may have sins the size of a mountain but once you sincerely repent, the Almighty wipes them all out because He loves repentance. Don’t let Satan make you believe otherwise. Don't let your sins drown you. Repent today and start focussing on blessings, no matter how small.

5.Nothing good comes easy. The process will be painful at times but trust the Almighty to see us through it. Pain is essential for growth; it can move us towards a more deeply fulfilling life. Our greatest growth periods normally come from the experience of pain. Trust the process!

6.Each time you face hardship, the naysayers & skeptics are waiting on the sidelines. Waiting & anticipating for you to fail. Thus the importance of staying grounded no matter what’s going on. Be firm. Seek your strength from the Almighty. Don’t lose focus when calamity strikes.

7.Many tend to look back with pain and disappointment for making the wrong choices, decisions etc. That’s life. It’s inevitable. Everything happens for a reason. Learn the lessons from your past and never make the same mistakes again. Move on. The Almighty is there to guide you!

8.Stay away from abusive language, insults & curses. Many use it without thinking. It’s become a habit for the young, thinking it’s cool to utter such expletives. They’ve become desensitized to the use of foul & offensive words. Don’t fall into the trap. It’s NOT cool! It’s a sin!

9.Do you derive pleasure when misfortune befalls someone else? Are you guilty of this? Something bad happens to someone else and you are secretly gleeful. Be careful. It shows a poisonous heart which willl get worse if you don’t check it. Empathize, be kind and show compassion!

10.Make self-improvement your priority. Don’t concern yourself with what people think or say about you. Don’t worry about their behaviour, words and actions. Focus on being a better person each day that you have no time to judge others or speak of their shortcomings.


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