life lesson by mufti menk-68


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Almighty. As the pandemic has forced many into lockdown again, we look to You for comfort, strength & protection. Calm our hearts amidst the turmoil. Help us wait patiently for this to pass, trusting with firm faith. Help us look out for each other & keep us all in your care.

2.Not everyday will be smooth sailing. It’s okay if today didn’t go your way. It’s not the end of the world. Take it in your stride. If you’re doing your best, that’s good enough! The Almighty is aware & will reward your effort, no matter how insignificant you thought it was!

3.There will be people who won’t be happy for your success. They don’t want to see you grow and get better. But the truth is no one can stop what the Almighty has planned for you. That’s right! No one! So keep going. Don’t quit on yourself. Trust Him in all that you do.

4.Do yourself a favour. Be yourself and quit trying to be someone else. That’s a sure recipe for disaster. The Almighty has made each one of us unique & there is only one you. Focus on being the best version of yourself. Work hard at it and don’t worry what other people say!

5.Can you ever accept that you’ve made a mistake or that you were wrong? When you do recognize it, do you still stand your ground? If you do, you probably have toxic traits. You like to pick on people’s faults too. You need to work on yourself & your heart where it all starts.

6.Pray wholeheartedly. Supplicate wholeheartedly. You can’t have doubts and expect the Almighty to change your circumstances. It doesn’t work that way. So don’t block your prayer and whatever you’re asking Him by being doubtful. Trust Him fully and watch your life unfold!

7.You’ll attract what you are! That’s a fact! Do good & good will come back to you. Be kind & you’ll be offered the same. When you radiate positive energy, you’ll surely attract the likes of positivity. So make a commitment to do good because what you give out is what you get back!

8.When you do what’s right, what the Almighty has prescribed for you and leave whatever He has forbidden, it will never be a distraction. It will, in fact, bring you closer to Him. So be mindful of what you’re occupying yourself with because it can mess your link with Him!

9.Keep going. Not all days will be smooth sailing. Some days are tough, really tough and things seem uncertain. But always move ahead with hope. Hope that things will get better because the Almighty has promised us that after hardship, there’ll be ease. So don’t despair!

10.Never underestimate what the Almighty can do. He can change things at the drop of a hat. Don’t dwell on what didn’t happen or didn’t work out. Never quit at the slightest setback. Keep moving ahead and the results will follow eventually. Remember, miracles happen everyday!

11.Be careful how you treat others. The ones you disrespect, disregard or dishonor may have a high status with the Almighty. You’ll never know! You have no knowledge how He views them so it’s wise to be kind to all you meet. You don’t want to jeopardize your relationship with Him!

12.Almighty. Give us the courage to begin again wherever we’ve faltered. Despite the obstacles and difficulties in life, help us be patient enough to know that starting over takes time. Grant us strength and guidance in whatever we undertake and always keep us on the straight path.

13.Attitude makes a whole lot of difference. If you are struggling or in pain right now, keep your head up, think positive & keep on smiling, you'll get through this. Don't let anyone or anything bring you down today. You're destined for success. Trust the Almighty & keep going!

14.Stop letting Satan take you for a ride. You should be familiar with his tricks by now. He will bring back old sins which you have repented for and cast doubts in your mind about the Almighty’s Mercy. Stay focused. Don’t fall for this narrative. Move on and look ahead with hope!

15.You’ll start to outgrow a lot of people once you start doing what’s best for you. Stop worrying about how others will feel or whether they’ll accept it. This life’s too short for that. Be concerned about how things will be before the Almighty on Judgement Day. That’s your goal!

16.Don’t worry about people liking you. You should know by now that they’re a hard lot to please. Nothing is good enough for them. So don’t stress over this. You liking yourself is what matters. That’s your milestone. People liking you is a bonus. Get your priorities right.

17.Be mindful when you speak. Choose your words carefully. Good or bad, words are little seeds that can make a big difference in the present & the future. Use your words to bring life to those around you. Don’t use your words to stab people & leave indelible marks in their hearts.

18.There’ll be times when the Almighty puts you in situations completely out of your control just to remind you who’s in charge. Recognize it. Don’t question Him. He knows what He’s doing. Cultivate a good attitude and have full faith in Him to get you through it.


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