life lesson by mufti menk-74

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.The bigger the battle, the bigger the blessings! Not everyone understands this. Some think that once you turn to the Almighty, life will be smooth sailing. It won’t. But what it does is you’ll be able to put your trust in Him, whatever the situation. He’s watching your response!

2.Fix this immediately. When something isn’t right & you feel yourself drifting away from the Almighty, get to the root of the problem. What took you away & distracted you from Him? Don’t delay dealing with it because Satan can cause untold damage to your faith. Remain steadfast!

3.This is how merciful our Lord is; He will open doors we didn’t even knock on! So why do we get upset when He closes certain doors in our lives? He knows things which you and I don’t. He only wants what’s good for us. Always.

4.Some people don’t realise what they have until it’s gone. Sadly, they’ll only realise it when it’s too late. That’s why gratitude is important. Value what you have. Recognise your blessings. Sometimes the Almighty might take it away from you completely and you won’t get it back!

5.Remember, talk is cheap. Anyone can say anything and promise you the world. Don’t fall for it. Beware those who will sell you a dream but you’ll end up with a nightmare. Protect your heart & guard it well. Do not give it to just anyone. Keep it connected to the One who made you.

6.Life isn’t easy. Don’t expect a smooth ride. There will be road blocks. There will be diversions. There will be detours. But these are not dead ends. The roads ahead may be unfamiliar, unchartered territory but the Almighty has said He won’t test you beyond your capacity.

7. keep your problems in perspective. No matter how bad you think your life is, your problems are always small when you think of what others are facing. Cancer, sudden death, losing a loved one, the list goes on. Even on a bad day, you have to realize how fortunate you really are!

8.Learn this. Not every comment deserves a response. Some people pass snide remarks just to see how you’d respond. Don’t say a word. Better still, ignore it. Remember, you don’t have to react to everything. Keep your focus, stay grounded. Let the naysayers have their say.

9.Remember, no one owes you anything. Your responsibilities are yours alone. Don’t expect anything from anyone. That way, you won’t be disappointed or begrudge anyone. Free your heart from ill feelings towards others. Depend only on the Almighty. Indeed, He is sufficient for us!

10.Are you in pain? Do you feel lost? Are you in a dark place with no light at the end of the tunnel? Do you feel hopeless? Turn all that around by turning back to the Almighty who will set things right for you. Do it today with the firm belief that things will get better.

11.Almighty. Calm our anxious hearts as we face life’s trials. Times are tough. There are things happening which we don’t understand. Anxiety threatens to darken our path. We ask You for the strength to carry on. Grant us peace amid the troubles and keep our hearts close to You!

12.We’ve all been stabbed in the back, lied to, treated poorly; the list goes on. But don’t dwell on the negatives because at the end of the day, realise that no one but the Almighty is going to be there for you. So the less you depend on people, the less disappointed you become!

13.As much as you want to resolve matters and get to the bottom of things, some things are better left the way they are. Let the Almighty take care of it. He knows how to handle it best; He knows how it will pan out. He has all the solutions to what you’re facing right now!

14.Life is too short. Live it with passion and purpose. Don’t let anger control you. Don’t let hate breed in your heart. Don’t let negativity be the order of your day. Keep your heart guided in the right direction. Seek the Almighty’s help constantly to purify your heart!


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