life lesson by mufti menk-79


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Don’t worry about what people say or what they think. In the end, it’s the results that speak. Keep pushing ahead & do your best. When you mess up, you don’t run from the Almighty. You run to Him! He will never forsake you. Even when everyone has deserted you, He’s still there!!

2.People will fail you, people will hurt you. That’s part and parcel of this life. The wound may not be your fault. But the healing is your responsibility. Never wallow in self-pity. Seek the Almighty’s help. Get up again and take control of your life. Don’t delay the healing!

3.You’re stressed because you’re facing the unknown, the unseen and the unexpected. Remind yourself that the Almighty is able and capable of bringing you through all that and more. Nothing is impossible. Trust Him with everything. Let Him be your defender. You’ll be unstoppable!

4.Never stop believing that good things can still happen even in times of chaos. That’s how merciful the Almighty is; He can give when you least expect it. He can open doors you never ever knocked and the list is endless. Always think good thoughts of Him!

5.Things will turn out the way the Almighty wants them to; not the way you always think they should. Trust Him without a doubt. Satan will always mess with your mind, he never takes a vacation. So stay vigilant and stay connected always to the One who made you.

6.Don’t let your past hold you back from your future. No matter how bad you think you are, repent and move on. The Almighty is always waiting to guide you to the straight path. Make peace with Him. Get into His good books. Don’t delay. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

7.Almighty. Forgive us for the times we forget to thank You for the countless blessings You’ve bestowed on us. Our hearts are filled with gratitude. Life can get hard & we struggle to keep our heads above water. Help us to choose trust, hope & patience when we don’t see a way out.

8.Are you tired of holding on? Do you keep wondering if the Almighty hears your pleas? Don’t let such thoughts cloud your mind. It’s the work of Satan. Ask your Maker to strengthen you. Ask Him to renew your hope. Ask Him to send you signs that things will get better! Just ask Him!

9.These are no ordinary times. We are living in a period when we must have firm, unflinching faith that the Almighty is our Refuge and shelter. So much is happening at breakneck speed that it’s easy to lose focus. Don’t despair. Stop stressing. He knows what He’s doing! Trust Him!

10.In all circumstances, pray. Never give up on the Lord of the Worlds. He’s All-Seeing, All-Knowing. Even when your lips no longer know what to ask for in prayer, He will listen to your heart. Where He is concerned, everything speaks volumes, including your tears. Keep the faith!

11.How short and fragile is this life! Keep reminding yourself especially with all that’s going around today. Take nothing and no one for granted. Appreciate everything, do your best under any given situation. Don’t give up and keep going. Most importantly, keep peace in your soul!

12.Be mindful of this. Sometimes even those with good intentions can lead you down the wrong path. Tread carefully. Watch where you’re heading. Learn to listen to the Almighty more than you listen to people. Trust Him more than you trust people. People are fallible. He isn’t!

13.Master this and you’ll live a life of contentment. Wait patiently for your turn. It will come... sooner or later. Until then, keep applauding for others. Don’t begrudge their blessings. Life is really that simple!

14.Never underestimate the immense power of a heartfelt prayer. It soothes your soul. Quit stressing. Just pray. If you use it as a means of comfort, the Almighty will provide you with peace of mind. We need that now more than ever before. And remember prayer changes everything!

15.Is the Almighty at the top of your list when you need help? Don’t ask Him for help only as the last resort. He expects us to make an effort to solve our problems but He doesn’t want us to do it alone. He’s always there for us. He waits for us to reach out. Call out to Him!

16.Stay true to yourself. The Almighty made you unique. Don’t blend in with the crowd just to fit in. Don’t do things just to appease people because you’ll never be able to please them. They’ll make you feel small so they can look big. Stay encouraged. Keep spreading kindness!

17.Your toughest lessons can lead to your biggest blessings. They also teach you a lot about life & make you see reality. Remember, the bed of roses you’re used to is NOT real life! But more importantly, the challenges will make you stronger than you ever imagined yourself to be!

18.Just because you fell off, doesn't mean you have to stay there. Get up and get moving. Change will be messy in most cases. The transition from the old you to the new you will be a struggle. It’s a battle with the new habits you’re trying to introduce in your life. Keep going!


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