life lesson by mufti menk-80


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Watch your words and actions. It’s so easy to tear people down if you aren’t careful. Your goal should be to build people up. Put their insecurities to rest. Remind them they are worthy. Say a good word. Smile. Be their beacon of light in a world that’s often dim and muted!

2.If you’re going through some difficult times all by yourself, don’t despair. The Almighty has designed it that way to allow you to embrace your solitude. There is much to learn and grow from it. Keep going. Don’t give up. He’s watching over you as He always does. Have faith!

3.One of your biggest tests will be how you handle people who treat you badly. Do you let your heart be forgiving, challenge their evil with good or do you let revenge and hatred brew in your heart? Remember, the Almighty sends everyone to us as a test. So did you pass the test?

4.Be mindful of the company you choose. True friends aren’t the ones who help you have fun without a care in the world and make you obsessed with material trappings. True friends are those who stand by your side and they’re concerned with helping your faith grow stronger.

5.Almighty. Humble us to respond with goodness when we’re not being treated the way we should be. Help us to be guided by what You’ve taught us & not by our emotions when dealing with difficult people. May we always be steered to make the right choice in such situations! Aameen.

6.Not all feedback deserves your attention. Some are constructive and good for you. Some are toxic and can have a negative effect on your well-being, both emotional and mental. Learn to be discerning. Remember, it’s always important to protect your mental and emotional well being.

7.Life can be challenging. Trial after trial. I don't have all of the answers, but I know that You do. Almighty, I have full faith in You and know that You always have my back. You’re my Provider, Cherisher, Sustainer, Protector and everything I need! Keep me firm in faith.

8.Mend relationships & ties. Reach out to those you’ve wronged. Be magnanimous & extend that to those who’ve wronged you as well. You’ll feel peace in your heart. The burden will lighten & you can heave a sigh of relief. Trust the Almighty to send untold blessings into your life!

9.Mend relationships & ties. Reach out to those you’ve wronged. Be magnanimous & extend that to those who’ve wronged you as well. You’ll feel peace in your heart. The burden will lighten & you can heave a sigh of relief. Trust the Almighty to send untold blessings into your life!

10.Understand that nothing is random in life. The Almighty will place people and situations in your path. They’re meant to test you until you become the person you’re meant to be. So don’t ask why me? Because each one will be tested differently according to his level of faith!

11.Stay away from conflict. Choose peace. It’s a better way to go. Choose silence or choose to walk away from those who are always looking for a battle about someone or something. Don’t bother getting drawn into situations that will drain you both mentally and physically!

12.When you embrace change, some won’t be happy. They prefer the “old” you. The one they’re comfortable with. Don’t worry about what they say. Carry on doing what must be done. It’s your journey. If you’re living your life to please the Almighty, you’ve nothing to worry about!

13.Sometimes it can be extremely exhausting explaining yourself to people who have made up their minds to misunderstand you anyway. They’re not interested in what you have to say; only in their own agenda. Being silent is perhaps a good option. Let your work speak for itself!

14.Don’t be disappointed if your deeds go unappreciated & unrewarded in this world. Don’t worry. It’s the nature of man to forget. Constantly remind yourself that people will forget & overlook. The Almighty doesn’t. He will reward you for all that you’ve done & your patience!

15.Social Media has given everyone a voice. Friend & foe. Good & bad. Intelligent & ignorant. Pious & evil. Sincere & hypocritical. Genuine & fake. Righteous & sinful. Innocent & criminal. Be careful who you believe & what you believe. It will transform you into whatever you choose!


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