life lesson by mufti menk-81

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.Let things be and let them unfold naturally. Sometimes it’s best to do that. You don’t need the answers to everything, you don’t have to be right always, don’t expect people to understand you. Just be polite but firm. Work on yourself and keep your inner peace at all times!

2.The sooner you realize that you cannot control other people, the easier your life becomes. You can’t force them to do what they don’t want to do. The only person you can control is you. So don’t let their behavior upset you. Take it in perspective. Don’t get hurt!

3.Take your time to heal from whatever it is that has hurt you or caused you grief. It won’t happen overnight. It’s a process which requires a lot of patience. Seek your strength from the Almighty. Let Him be your Guide and Protector because only He can make you whole again.

4.What you are experiencing right now cannot defeat you unless you allow it to. Have a positive mindset. Rise above life’s challenges, knowing they won’t last. Learn as much as you can. Remember, the Almighty has helped you through many trials. He will continue to do so. Trust Him!

5.Don't be so hard on yourself for making a genuine mistake. Remember, the Almighty had already planned it that way for you to learn from what went wrong. The lesson was necessary. It’s part of His Plan for you. Embrace it and try your best to not make the same mistake again.

6.Almighty. Grant me the wisdom to do what’s right. When I’m stuck in my own foolishness, show me the way out. When I’m facing loss & grief, comfort me. When my heart is broken, hurt & wounded, show me healing. When I’m confused & overwhelmed, guide me! I lay my trust in You.

7.Do yourself a favour. Surround yourself with those who speak of visions, ideas, goals, growth. Not those who sit and gossip about others. And if you do find yourself in that situation, excuse yourself and walk away. The game ends when you choose to leave such a gathering.

8.Don’t hold back your charity waiting for an appropriate time. There’s no such thing. The minute you feel like giving, just give. There’s no guarantee where you’ll be tomorrow. The Almighty will reward you for your gesture now and grant you even more in the blessed month to come!

9.Don’t let anyone belittle your efforts. You’re doing just fine. Keep up the good work! Keep on putting one foot in front of the other, taking one step at a time, even if they’re baby steps. No rushing and plunging headlong into things. Keep moving at a sure and steady pace!

10.How do you live your life? If you live your life for others, you’ll never know peace as nothing you do will be good enough. If you live your life making decisions based on what others will think of you, it’s time for a rethink! Live your life for the Almighty. Feel the peace!

11.Gratitude is a choice. So choose wisely. Surely there are so many things we can be grateful for in this life. We can never really count the blessings the Almighty has sent our way. So stop complaining and feeling miserable. Rise above it and see life through a different lens.

12.The Almighty wants you to try. Try to make an effort to get closer to Him. Try to stay focused and not be distracted. Try to not get angry, overreact and overthink. Try to be the best version of yourself. Try to do as He says. Try to understand His Plan for you. Keep trying!

13.We're all blessed in different ways. Often we don't realise that we have much more than others. Peace, contentment, faith, family & health are some of the greatest blessings. If you have those, you're truly blessed. Don't allow anything to make you feel otherwise. Stay blessed!

14.Choose prayer over worry always. Worry changes nothing but prayer changes everything. If you’re stuck in worry mode, you’ll end up with more worries. It never ends. One worry leads to another. Quit worrying and start praying. Trust the Almighty with the outcome.

15.Listen and observe carefully. That way you’ll have a better idea before letting people into your life. People actually show their true colours long before we actually bother to acknowledge it. So do yourselves a favour. It can save you from a lot of heartache down the road!


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