1.You need to quit worrying about what people think. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. They’re entitled to their thoughts. At the end of your life, you're not going to stand before people and give an account of what you’ve done. You're going to stand before the Almighty.

2.When you ask the Almighty, ask with conviction. Believe in what you pray for wholeheartedly. Keep repeating it in the best way, showing no impatience on your part. Whatever He gives, whenever He gives is the best thing for you. He’s the Best Planner and He knows the best timing!

3.Don't judge a person based on just one particular clip you saw of them. It’s unfair. It could be fake, edited or taken totally out of context. Be mindful. The damage we’re doing to ourselves and others by such opinions can have disastrous effects on us in this world and the next.

4.Make peace with those you’ve wronged. Don’t hold grudges. This life is too short. You never know when it’s time to leave this earth. So while the opportunity is there, don’t hesitate. Satan will make you procrastinate, thinking you have time to do it tomorrow. No. Do it today!

5.You’ll be tested again & again. When faced with challenges, don’t focus on the problems. Remember His Promise; with hardship comes ease. If you focus on the problem, you’ll be overwhelmed & feel you probably won’t make it. So remind yourself what the Lord of the Worlds can do!

6.Prayer :

Almighty. At times, I feel I can’t carry on; it’s hard to keep going with such anxious thoughts running through my mind. Grant me peace and a calm heart. Let me surrender my worries, fears and anxieties to you. Grant me guidance and keep me going. Remind me I’m not alone!

7.Keep praying for guidance. This life is often tough. May its challenges not overwhelm us. Satan is always there to distract and discourage. Know his tricks and don’t fall for them. Seek the Almighty’s help throughout life’s journey. Remember, He is with us in all circumstances!

8.Are you facing tough times? One of the best remedies is to be patient. The trouble is we often start complaining. We become short-tempered. We talk about our difficulties to anyone and everyone. Seek the Almighty’s help instead. He’s the Owner of all solutions to our problems!

9.You’re never meant to carry your burdens alone. The Almighty is always watching over you. He will fight your battles and see you through. Do your best and lay full trust in Him. Don’t feel bad about it. Hand Him your burdens and He will give you the peace you're searching for!

10.When you’re tempted to overthink, pray. In fact, pray before you do anything. Prayer can change your destiny. Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant or insecure, remember who created you! Pray to Him alone. If you only knew how powerful prayer is, you wouldn’t stop praying!

11.Be careful how you treat people. The tables always turn. The Almighty will see to it. Be careful who you ignore when you’re at the top. Some choose to treat people any which way that pleases them. Don’t! It will come back to you. You’ll be made to eat humble pie sooner or later!

12.When you have decided to forgive someone who wronged you, just move on. You should feel a sense of peace with your decision. There’s no need to rekindle the friendship etc. The onus is not on you. Live and let live.

13.The mistakes you make can actually be a turning point. The Almighty can turn the mistake into a huge blessing. It’s up to you to see it or are you too busy wallowing in self-pity? Don’t beat yourself up for the wrongs you commit. Use them to propel you to the next level!

14.Disappointment is part of life. You can’t always get what you want. If it doesn’t happen now, it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Trust the Almighty to work out the timing. On your part, be consistent, persistent and determined. You’ll get there!

15.Don’t let other people dictate how you behave. Your gentleness is a gift. Your kindness, a strength. Your selflessness in extending help is a spark the world badly needs now. Just do your thing. Don’t let anyone stop you or extinguish the light in you. People will talk anyway!


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