1.Sometimes you may have to remove yourself from certain people in your life; those who won’t bat an eyelid about hurting you and continue to do so. It won’t be easy but you have to make a decision. It will bring you peace of mind and heal your soul!

2.Be conscious what you feed your mind. A toxic mind is a toxic life. Start healing your soul and you’ll heal your life. That’s when you can truly become the best version of yourself. It won’t happen overnight but if you persevere, you’ll get there with the Almighty’s help!

3.Be mindful of the company you keep. When you are with the wrong crowd, they see you as competition. They look at you with the eyes of envy. Some even speak ill behind your back and hope for your failure. Learn to observe people’s behaviour. The Almighty often sends warning signs!

4.Some people are negative about others because they need to make themselves feel like they’re in control to cover up their own insecurities. Take heart knowing that it’s not about you but them. This could help you detach from their comments & not to feel hurt by what’s being said!

5.Are you prone to worrying? Worry is a disease. It will eat you slowly and destroy your focus. It will gnaw at your faith and ultimately make you miserable and kill your joy. Don’t fall victim to this. Don’t allow your future to be sabotaged by worry. Seek the Almighty’s help.

6.Apologise. Admit your mistake & take full responsibility. It shows our human weakness. You’ll gain a lot more respect that way rather than trying to push the blame to someone else. It’s this self-awareness that allows us to grow and learn from our mistakes & forgive ourselves!

7.Almighty. Forgive the glance of our eyes, the foul language of our words, the forgetfulness of our minds & the slip of our tongues. Protect us from shame & failure, from Your punishment, anger, wrath & Hellfire. Grant us Your Mercy & the best of both worlds. Aameen!

8.Be kind to everyone. Life can be hard & lonely. So if you’re able to spread some goodness & positivity, do it without hesitation. Make people feel better. Make everything a little brighter. Surely that’s a good thing to do if the Almighty has given you the capacity!

9.You didn’t experience whatever you've been through in the past for nothing. Every bit of it was the Almighty’s Plan. The Almighty is going to take you to a another level. He has it all planned for you. Turn to Him. Bear beautiful patience and wait for things to unfold!

10.Sometimes you won’t understand what’s going on. That’s when you need to trust the Almighty even more. Just leave it to Him in complete obedience. Take comfort knowing that He will work all things out together for our own good. He will turn things around when you least expect it.


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