13 Misunderstood Quranic Verses


13 Misunderstood Quranic Verses

Based on a viral image with misinterpreted and fabricated verses

#About 2:191

#About 3:28

#About 3:85

#About 5:33

#About 8:12

#About 8:60

#About 8:65

#About 9:5

“Right! OK, so here is what I need to inform you about this verse. First, to understand a Quranic verse, you need also to be acquainted with the Arabic history of the time when Islam came. This verse was revealed unto Prophet PBUH while the Islamic followers were engaged in the Battle of Tabuk. The battle was fought as a retaliation against the buildup attack on the city of Madinah by Byzantine Empire in the year 629.

It was also one of the first successful expansions of Islam in what is supposed to become a series of capturing major Arabian cities. Now, coming to the central aspect of the verse. The verse orders Muslims to fight those idolaters (and also those hypocrites who are the enemy within) when the sacred month is passed because fighting in a holy month is not allowed.

The Byzentiniam force consists of many Arabian allies in those regions that were pagan or either some people of the book as well (Christian, Jews) who are fighting alongside the forces of King Heraclius of Rome to demolish growing Muslim influence in Arabia. So, God ordered Muslims to fight those people so that Muslims may not be outdone and be killed or their tribe eliminated along with the prophet. The fight was a defensive one.

Now, in the last focus of this ayah, God also orders Muslims that if among the enemy, anyone who repents and eliminate the intention to assault Muslims, and better if they pray and give zakah (charity to poor), then the Muslims are not allowed to have any evil intentions against them as well and or find means to fight them at all. God is without a doubt merciful and loves forgiveness.

#About 9:30

#About 9:123

#About 22:19

#About 47:4

Bottom line


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