life lesson by mufti menk-84

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.When you lay your trust in the Almighty & let Him guide you, have faith in the journey. Satan will cast doubts & aspersions along the way. Learn to ignore them. Seek guidance from the Almighty alone & pay no heed to the whisperings. Above all, stay firm & unflinching in your belief!

2.Why is it that many can’t stand it when someone is doing well? They will try to plant seeds of doubt in people’s minds. They may even spread falsehoods just to hijack the success story. Let them plot & plan. The Almighty’s fully aware & in control. Trust Him to pave the journey.

3.Do good solely for the sake of the Almighty. He loves those who do good. Whatever others are doing to you, reciprocate with kindness & goodness. Relieve others from their worries, even if they don't help you. Make this your life mantra & watch how peaceful your life becomes!

4.Keep supplicating to the Almighty. It’s one of the best cures for diseases of the heart. Communicate with your heart & soul. Get close to Him. He will comfort you. Don’t search for happiness in a place where you will not find it. Know that true happiness comes from Him alone!

5.Almighty. Grant us a #Ramadan like we’ve always known. Here we are on the cusp of the most awaited month. Allow us to reach it in the best of faith and health. Grant us a great and blessed month. Shower us with Your forgiveness. May You accept our sincere repentance and prayers!

6.Just because you’re on a bad chapter in your life right now, doesn’t mean it will stay like that forever. Ease will come. Good and better chapters await you. Believe it! Trust the journey. Nothing you battle is ever wasted. It's all going to work for your good. Be encouraged!

7.In a world obsessed with physical beauty, remember it’s the purity of the soul that matters. People with such souls are more elegant and beautiful than those adorned with the finest designer wear and jewellery. Cherish such people because they’re the true expression of beauty.

8.Learn to be more grateful. Focus on what you have, your blessings, the people you love, the opportunities you’ve been given etc. The Almighty loves those who are grateful. He rewards them in unimaginable ways. You could be one of them. Make gratitude a way of life. Embody it!

9.Go on and inspire others. Give people some hope. Give them a reason to believe in better and that all is not lost. You have no idea how powerful and far-reaching this could be. Spread goodness and positivity and you’ll see the difference it makes to those around you!

10.If you have a strong connection with your Maker, you’ll be warned when something doesn’t feel right. The world calls it intuition or gut feel. The truth is it’s the Almighty giving you an inkling of what lies ahead. Pay close attention because it could save you from a calamity.

11.Cultivate the habit of saying less. Why do we feel the need to explain or justify everything that we do to others? There’s no need for this. Many of us have been brought up that way. Break free from this norm. Not everyone needs to know everything. Remember, less is always more!

12.Pray for others. Don’t just pray for yourself. Many are hurting in silence. Sadly our society encourages us to make others feel like everything is always okay. Surely you should be allowed to say otherwise and that you need help. Don’t forget a smile can be a sign of silent pain!

13.The thing about life is, it carries on, with or without you. Be prepared for whatever comes your way. When you least expect it, it will test you & challenge you. How you respond will set the tone for the rest of your life. Don’t take things for granted. Be on guard always!

14.Don’t make people a priority. You’ll be disappointed. Yes, do your best & cultivate good relationships but don’t hinge your hopes on them. They’re human & they have weaknesses. Put the Almighty at the top of the list always. He will give you insight & wisdom in your journey!

15.It gets harder to stay focused when your trials get more challenging. Some may even become disillusioned. But always believe that despite the twists and turns in your life, the Almighty’s totally in control. The truth is that’s what faith is all about!


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