life lesson by mufti menk-88

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.You don’t need the solution to everything. Some questions don’t need answers & they’re better left that way. You just need a firm heart, full of trust and firm belief. A heart full of love & peace. You’ll be amazed at how much more you can get out of the unspoken than just words!

2.You’re feeling ill at ease because you think your life is lacking what you see others have on social media. Don’t fall for this. Understand that not every voice you hear and every post you see on social media is for you. Learn to be discerning. Protect your clarity of mind!

3.Looking at the positives when calamity strikes is not for the faint-hearted. You need to have a solid link with your Maker. You understand that difficult times help move you forward. Struggle and strife are standard life lessons. Embrace them and see things in perspective!

4.Every chapter in your life serves a purpose. Yes, even the ‘bad’ ones. The Almighty never wastes anything that He puts you through. So whenever you feel hopeless or alone, close your eyes; remember that He’s with you. He will never abandon you. Trust that better days are coming!

5.Whatever you’re going through, don’t quit. Carry on with the journey knowing that something better awaits you. Because He has promised ease after hardship. That should be a good enough reason. When you get through it, you’re going to be stronger, wiser and more resilient!

6.Almighty. Keep us far away from obscene speech, ignorant acts, argument and insults, not just because we’re fasting but because they incur Your Wrath. Such actions are often intended to offend, intimidate, cause emotional upheaval etc. Let’s clean up our acts. #Ramadan

7.We are not perfect. We are a work in progress. We will continue to make mistakes. But that’s part of the process. Don’t start doubting yourself and your ability. Be kinder to yourself. Allow yourself some leeway. Be guided by the Almighty always and have a blessed journey!

8.When the Almighty makes us wait, there’s wisdom in it. Don’t think it’s a punishment. It could be a protection or perhaps, preparation. Always think good thoughts because He always wants the best for us. It may not be what we envisaged but it’s what we need at that point in time!

9.Don't be so easily deceived by this worldly life. It’s full of trickery. It will sap your energy & leave you totally exhausted. If & when you eventually get what you want, you’d have to forgo some aspects of your life. Keep your faith intact! That is non-negotiable at all times!

10.Focus on yourself. Mind your own business. Don’t start comparing and spoil every blessing you have. Remember, your grass will never get greener by focusing on someone else's lawn. Water your own. Nurture your own. Refocus your energy on your blessings. You’ll reach your goals!

11.Let #Ramadan calm you and soothe you. Your soul needs it. Let it cleanse you and purify you and remind you of the countless blessings the Almighty has sent your way. Let your heart be filled with gratitude. Let it soften even more as you do what it takes to get closer to Him!

12.Do you consider yourself strong? Are you among those who make time to help others, even when you’re struggling with your own issues? Life is about service to others. We’re often preoccupied with our own selfish needs. Start reaching out to others & see how life is transformed!

13.Almighty. Keep our hearts humble as we begin this blessed month #Ramadan. We seek Your Mercy and Forgiveness and may You keep us steadfast. We beg you to open spiritual doorways for us and answer our prayers. May we use this time to purify our hearts and gain closeness to You.

14.Many have started #Ramadan today, the rest tomorrow. I wish each and every one of you the most blessed and spiritually uplifting month amidst the difficulties we are all facing. May the Almighty keep us steadfast and make us better people, reaching out to those in need.

15.It is normal to start and end Ramadan a day apart in different regions based on the sighting of the moon, timezone and other rulings. #Ramadan has been announced in Saudi Arabia and many countries. Southern Africa has NOT yet sighted the #moon.

16.Just because someone is intimidated by your light, doesn’t mean you shine less bright or dim it! In fact, it means you should shine even brighter; especially in an increasingly dark world. There are those who need that light & goodness. You’ll never know whose life you’ll touch!

17.Don’t fret over failure. It happens to the best of us. It’s no big deal if you fall down; just don’t stay there. Get back up & get moving again. Sometimes you may get knocked down lower than you’ve ever been. Make sure you stand back up taller than you ever were. Don’t cave in!

18.When you lay your trust in the Almighty & let Him guide you, have faith in the journey. Satan will cast doubts & aspersions along the way. Learn to ignore them. Seek guidance from the Almighty alone & pay no heed to the whisperings. Above all, stay firm & unflinching in your belief!

19.Why is it that many can’t stand it when someone is doing well? They will try to plant seeds of doubt in people’s minds. They may even spread falsehoods just to hijack the success story. Let them plot & plan. The Almighty’s fully aware & in control. Trust Him to pave the journey.

20.Do good solely for the sake of the Almighty. He loves those who do good. Whatever others are doing to you, reciprocate with kindness & goodness. Relieve others from their worries, even if they don't help you. Make this your life mantra & watch how peaceful your life becomes!


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