life lesson by mufti menk-91

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.Almighty. Give us the strength to face these most blessed nights of #Ramadan. We ask You to accept all our prayers, fasts, charity & good deeds, done solely for Your Sake. May we end this blessed month on a high note! Aameen

2.Life is short. So don’t waste your energies on things & people who don't contribute to your growth & are busy with negativity. Wake daily recharged, eager to put to good use the blessings the Almighty has sent your way. Not everyone has this opportunity. Be grateful!

3.These last ten nights of #Ramadan are the most blessed. Don't do anything to compromise its sanctity. Don't argue, swear, backbite or gossip. Focus solely on the Almighty. Do more good deeds, give generously; make an intent that every little bit you do is for Him and Him alone!

4.Always keep in mind that on Judgement Day, the Almighty will weigh your deeds & not count them. Quality over quantity. He looks at how much heart was in what was done. Who went out of their way to do it solely for the Almighty and who did it to show off?

5.Your heart can’t bear the pain & anguish anymore. You’re not alone. You feel distressed. You’re not alone. You need to be patient with what the Almighty has planned for you. For how long, you ask? He will decide on the best time! The more patient you are, the greater your reward!

6.Why are you worried about “what they will think?” Do they butter your bread and pay your bills? Let them think what they will, you can’t control their thought process. The sooner you realize that, the more positive your outlook will be. Do things for the Almighty’s sake, not for others.

7.Almighty. We ask You to help us realise our #Ramadan goal in getting closer to You. Soften the hearts of those who’ve yet to feel the sweetness of this blessed month; don’t let them give in to despair. Give them the strength to keep trying. We ask for Your Mercy & Forgiveness.

8.Don’t get complacent with your blessings. The more grateful you are, the more the Almighty will send your way. The way forward is to keep nurturing what you already have. Learn to appreciate His Gifts. To be grateful is to find blessings in everything. A powerful attitude!

9.If you’re feeling down and depressed at the moment, you have to believe that you’ll experience the favours of the Almighty in unexpected and unusual ways. For as long as you trust Him, He will turn your troubles, challenges and hardship in your favour. Bear patience!

10.Strengthen your link with your Maker. Don’t lose heart. Each day we’re being challenged from the outside and inside. But stay firm because for all your worldly troubles, eternal bliss awaits you. Focus on the task at hand and know that it’s temporary. Stay motivated!

11.What a judgemental society we live in! People will form their own conclusions of you based on a tweet or a Facebook status. They judge your appearance, accent, the way you dress etc. Just because you’re different from them, they look down on you. Stand your ground. Be polite!

12.What a judgemental society we live in! People will form their own conclusions of you based on a tweet or a Facebook status. They judge your appearance, accent, the way you dress etc. Just because you’re different from them, they look down on you. Stand your ground. Be polite!

13.What a judgemental society we live in! People will form their own conclusions of you based on a tweet or a Facebook status. They judge your appearance, accent, the way you dress etc. Just because you’re different from them, they look down on you. Stand your ground. Be polite!

14.No matter how much good you do or how much others value you, there will always be that one person who doesn’t like you. So be it. Such is life. Remember, you’re not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s ok. The sooner you accept it, the easier it becomes to move on with your life.

15.Disappointment mostly comes about because of your expectations; not because of other people’s behavior. Accept the fact that people will let you down. Time and again. They’ll show you their true colours eventually. Learn to expect only from the One who made you. He always delivers!


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