life lesson by mufti menk-94

 life lesson by mufti menk-94

1.Never doubt that the Almighty knows what’s going on. He knows our struggles. He has seen the tears & heard our prayers. The best we can hope for is to believe that relief is near. He has promised us. All our suffering & sorrows will be forgotten once we lay our eyes on Paradise!

2.How do you react to those who’ve wronged you? Two wrongs do not make a right. You can’t be mean, angry or bitter & expect goodness in return. Don’t become obsessed with revenge. Let it go and let the Almighty handle it. Be the better, kinder person always. Rise above it all.

3.Know when to forgive people, but also be wise enough to know that they don't always need to play an active role in your life after that. The Almighty might send you signs how to handle such people. If He’s telling you to let them go, stop holding on to them. Read His signs!

4.Life is like that. People will cause you pain, hurt you, put you down, make you feel bad about yourself, as if you’re the bad one! It’s how you react that will determine the outcome. They are powerless until you choose to empower them. Don’t give them the ammunition they need!

5.Don’t expect that apology. You’re going to be disappointed because it may never come. Forgive them anyway. Remember, there’ll always be those who are unwilling to accept that they did something wrong. It takes maturity to admit your mistakes. So move on for you, not them!

6.Moving on may be the best thing at times. It doesn’t mean you’re forgetting, it simply means you choose happiness over hurt. When you forgive someone, it doesn’t give them a free pass. It gives you a free pass to move on. Be kind to yourself. Don’t compromise your peace of mind.

7.Faith is trusting & believing that the Almighty has your back no matter what you’re going through. Even when you can’t comprehend what’s going on, you trust Him. You know He will get you out of unfavorable situations. Best motto to live by; do your best, leave the rest to Him!

8.Almighty. Surround everyone affected by the ongoing calamity with Your Mercy & Protection. Comfort those who grieve. We won’t give up hope. We know even in the darkest hours, You’re always with us. You’re our refuge & strength. Aameen.

9.When you connect with the Almighty, you are blessed. Your heart is tranquil. Hope never leaves your side. You’re always positive when life throws a challenge. You never give up because you believe brighter days are ahead and You trust His Plan for your journey through life!

10.Don’t lose focus when you’re being tested. If you let your guard down & let Satan mess with your mind, you’re going to lose the plot & end up miserable. Remember, where you choose to focus is where your life will head. Keep the Almighty in sight always! You’ll emerge the winner!

11.Take care of your thoughts. The Almighty has given us the capacity to go through tough trials & challenges. It’s when you crowd your mind with irrational thoughts & imagined battles that life becomes a burden. Stay focused & seek your strength from Him. He knows your struggle!

12.Pray for others. Pray when you feel hopeless. Pray when you feel hopeful. Pray under all circumstances. Prayer is powerful. Pray and let the Almighty do the rest. He’s Omnipotent. He knows. He hears. He sees. He cares. You’re never alone. He’s always there for you.

13.Remember to thank the Almighty daily for every new day He allows us to face. At times we forget that even another breath of fresh air is a blessing. Forgive us for taking things for granted. May we always be mindful of our blessings and be reminded to count them every day.

14.Are you struggling in life, with things spiralling out of control? A struggle is an act of worship. The Almighty loves those who surrender completely to Him. There’s wisdom in your trials & tribulations. Don’t scoff at them. Learn from them. Use them to draw closer to Him!

15.When the Almighty has made you wait for a long while, be prepared for His abundant blessings. When He finally opens that door meant for you, no one can shut it. That’s a fact. Don’t even try! Your job is to walk through it with utmost confidence, not arrogance.


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