life lesson by mufti menk-96

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.Anything that removes you from your comfort zone is uncomfortable. Growth is like that because you’ve never been there before & you’re getting adjusted to a new you. You’ve never seen this version of you. But growth is the only way forward. So be kind to yourself; seek His Help!

2.Keep your thoughts pure. Stop undermining whatever good the Almighty has sent your way by letting negative thoughts in. Keep a lid on such thoughts. Speak & think whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely & commendable. Stay positive and your life will be transformed!

3.Keep going even when you find the road ahead long & challenging. Keep going when you feel it’s a bad day & you want to give up. Keep going when you feel your patience running out. Keep going because the Almighty knows your struggles. If only you knew the rewards waiting for you.

4.Almighty. Keep us from being distracted as there’s so much going on around us. It’s easy to focus on failure, frustration and fatigue. But we mustn’t. Instead, help us to take it one step at a time because we know You’re in full control. May we surrender to Your Decree. Aameen.

5.With only a week left in the blessed month, #Ramadan it’s common to start feeling a bit worn out by this time. One important tip to renew our motivation to help us end strong is to always remember the Hereafter & the rewards that await us! It will be worth every bit. Keep going!

6.Let go of the past that’s weighing you down. Otherwise, you’ll find it difficult to realize your goals. It’s foolish to live your life brooding over what was and what could have been. Learn from the past, and don’t repeat the same foolishness. Let it all go so you can grow!

7.You don’t need people’s approval to be happy. If they have issues with you, it’s for them to resolve; not you. Just be sure you haven’t hurt anyone. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Let it go & don’t let bad feelings fester. Seek your approval only from the Almighty.

8.Don’t mock or look down on someone who’s trying to change for the better. Not everyone is on the same level of piety. Their baby steps might be so beloved by the Almighty that it could be their ticket to Paradise! It’s best to focus on ourselves and not what others are doing.

9.Give it your all these last days and do unselfish & random acts of kindness. Whenever you see an opportunity to do good, just do it. Amidst all the problems the world faces today, sometimes it’s that one noble act that reminds us there's still some good around us! Go on & do it!

10.Are you the impatient type? Be careful. Impatience can be dangerous. Instead of trusting the Almighty’s timing, you think you know better? Get out of this mindset. Lay your trust in what He’s doing. He’s the best planner right down to the last second. Never doubt that.

11.This is a fact. You’ll be attacked for doing something good by people who are doing absolutely nothing. They will just sit there and criticize your every move. Don’t worry about such people. Smile, shake it off, take it in your stride and say a prayer for them!

12.Supplicate & supplicate. Do it with utmost fervour during these blessed nights. May the One who created you bless you, protect you, heal you, forgive you, promote you, comfort you & ease all your affairs. He doesn’t need perfect words from you. Just a heartfelt call. Sincerely!

13.Stop sharing your pain with everyone & never on social media. There are many who would be happy to see you in pain. Be mindful who you allow into your circle. Not everyone is there for your healing. Some will even pray against you. Take your pain to the Almighty, your Healer!

14.Almighty. Give us the strength to face these most blessed nights of #Ramadan. We ask You to accept all our prayers, fasts, charity & good deeds, done solely for Your Sake. May we end this blessed month on a high note! Aameen

15.Life is short. So don’t waste your energies on things & people who don't contribute to your growth & are busy with negativity. Wake daily recharged, eager to put to good use the blessings the Almighty has sent your way. Not everyone has this opportunity. Be grateful!


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