life lesson by mufti menk-101

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.When things are good for you, be prepared for some who will start causing havoc in your life. They will cast doubts over what you’ve done. That’s human nature. Don’t worry about them as long as you’ve done the right thing. Focus on the Almighty. Let Him deal with the rest!

2.People will hurt you. Without a doubt. Even family members can hurt you. But remember, you’re responsible for how long you allow what hurt you to haunt you. The truth is you’ll never find happiness until your heart is attached to the One who made you. Anything else falls short!

3.Don’t waste time chasing after the world and its trappings. We will never be able to catch up because it will always be ahead of us. The problem comes when we make it our goal and not the means to the ultimate goal. Get the priorities right!

4.Are you among those who feel threatened when others shine their light on the rest of the world? Some think if you shine bright, it somehow dims theirs & gives them less opportunity to find their own success. The Almighty has given all a chance to be successful. Everyone of us!

5.Almighty. Help us heal from all the violence & hatred that’s been happening lately. May we pursue justice not revenge, peace & not more violence. May healing come from our brokenness. May strength come from our vulnerability. Grant us ease, comfort us & protect us all. Aameen.

6.Time is one of the greatest blessings from the Almighty. Respect it and spend it wisely because once gone, you won’t get it back. Some don’t respect your time, because they are trying to satisfy their own priorities so when people don’t respect your time, stop giving it to them!

7.We live in a sad world. That’s the reality. We have people hating on others for being successful. They judge & criticize those who are trying to do better, get closer to the Almighty. The list goes on. Why can’t we mind our own business & just let people live? Is that so hard?

8.Let’s face it. There are things in life we wished we had done differently. It’s bound to happen. We’re humans. So as soon as you realize you've made a poor decision, it's not too late to correct it. You're not stuck in any situation as long as you refuse to accept that you are!

9.We live in a sad world. That’s the reality. We have people hating on others for being successful. They judge & criticize those who are trying to do better, get closer to the Almighty. The list goes on. Why can’t we mind our own business & just let people live? Is that so hard?

10.When you let your emotions get the better of you, be careful. When you start insulting others & calling them names, like dog, donkey etc, be careful. Are we not from the same species? Do we not share the same Creator? Remember, all the negativity you exude, will come back to you!

11.Don’t tell the story if you only know part of it. It’s a huge sin to make up or embellish stories. Besides, one sided stories are dangerous. Only fools would answer before they know the whole matter. Protect your tongue from becoming a gossip funnel. Fear the Almighty’s wrath.

12.Always ask the Almighty to help us focus on things that are good, pure, honorable, righteous, excellent & worthy of praise. Abandon thoughts that cloud our judgement, cause doubt & make us think ill of others! They’re the work of Satan. Good thoughts make all the difference!

13.There’ll always be brickbats and naysayers in life. That’s the nature of man. Always interested in other people’s lives. Learn to focus on your own journey. You will never reach your destination if you keep stopping and throwing stones at every dog that barks. Stay alert.


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