life lesson by mufti menk-97


life lesson by mufti menk

1.There’ll always be brickbats and naysayers in life. That’s the nature of man. Always interested in other people’s lives. Learn to focus on your own journey. You will never reach your destination if you keep stopping and throwing stones at every dog that barks. Stay alert.

2.Are you often distracted? In this age of constant distraction, focus is crucial in our relationship with the Almighty. This focus is not only meant for our daily prayers, but should cover every aspect of our lives. Living a distracted life leads nowhere. You’ll fall prey to Satan.

3.You may think it's easier to stay where you are than to follow a new path. Fear will make you feel this way. Satan will do his utmost to distract you if you’re trying to get close to the Almighty. Learn his tricks & stay firm in your journey. Seek your strength from the Almighty!

4.Why do we complain constantly? There’s a simple and fundamental reason for it: we lack a sense of contentment. The truth is we are often dissatisfied & this has taken over the place of contentment in our hearts. So everything that we say is a reflection of how we feel!

5.Don’t stress too much about your worldly affairs. Life is fragile. Today you’re here, tomorrow you’re gone. Take it in your stride. You’ll be spending forever in the Hereafter. Focus on doing good always to secure a better life. Satan will distract you, so remain vigilant!

6.It doesn’t matter what they think, it doesn’t matter what they say. If your intention is good, the results will be good eventually. The Almighty will take care of that. Don’t complicate things. Stay focused in your efforts. Let them not distract you from your main goal!

7.Almighty. May we never be among those who are like leaking buckets. People who follow up their good deeds with bad ones. May we never be among those who pray, fast & give charity but curse, swear, gossip & backbite without batting an eyelid. Protect us from such behaviour!

8.When you supplicate, do it wholeheartedly. Don’t pay lip service. Remember, you’re asking the One who made you; the One in complete control of your existence. Let your emotions flow. Beg. Cry. Whatever it takes to show Him that you need Him. Above all, trust that He will answer!

9.Life comes at us fast & will throw up different challenges. Occasionally, it will hit us so hard that we feel like giving up. But remember the Almighty’s promise that with hardship comes ease; that trouble doesn’t last always. This is just a season; don’t quit. It can only get better!

10.Work hard on your marriage. Don't give up so easily unless you've exhausted all avenues of reconciliation. Everyone goes through challenges. It’s part of life. Choosing to divorce without seriously trying to resolve matters is regrettable. Divorce should only be as a last resort.

11.Work hard on your marriage. Don't give up so easily unless you've exhausted all avenues of reconciliation. Everyone goes through challenges. It’s part of life. Choosing to divorce without seriously trying to resolve matters is regrettable. Divorce should only be as a last resort.

12.Just because some people treat you badly, it doesn’t give you the right to do the same to others. You can break the cycle of negativity & abuse. Instead of feeling angry & hateful, learn positive & empowering behaviour. Focus on your reaction rather than the behaviour of others.

13.Quit worrying about the past. Things happen for a reason. The Almighty never wastes a moment of what you’ve experienced. What you went through before can be the catalyst for change that’s needed tomorrow. Remember, if the Almighty is for you, nobody can be against you!

14.Learn to admit your mistakes. Eat humble pie, swallow your pride and know that you’ll be respected more for it. Many fail to understand this. The earlier you admit that you have done wrong, the more time you have to learn and grow from them. It’s a lesson well learned!

15.No matter what you’re going through in life, always have faith in the Almighty. Trust that He wants the best for you, even if He doesn't give you exactly what you want, He's always taking care of your needs. You might not see it right away, but eventually it’ll all make sense.


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