life lesson by mufti menk-104

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.Deal with your insecurities. If they have been shaped by someone in authority criticizing you, recognize this & understand that people change over time. Forgive the past. Otherwise, insecurity will always keep you on the defensive. You think everyone’s talking about you!

2.When you’ve committed a sin, quickly repent and get back on track. Reflect, show remorse and commit to never make that mistake again but don’t dwell on it. Take a deep breath and remind yourself, this is just a chapter, NOT your whole story.

3.If you want to mend relationships that have soured over the years and you find the other party not forthcoming, don’t despair. You’ve done your part. Keep asking the Almighty to soften hearts. It will happen sooner or later if He wills.

4.Many of us are fooled into believing that we have time. So we put off till tomorrow what we were supposed to do today. Many thought the same. But death overtook them. Don’t lose out. Let this world run its race. We run after the Hereafter which is eternal. May we all get there!

5.There are people out there whose sole aim is to hurt you with their words or comments. Don’t let them affect you. Ignore the noise. It’s not easy but consider this; show them you’re NOT affected by their remarks. When you’re able to do that, you’ve made them totally powerless!

6.No matter how much you’ve endured, no matter what has happened, remember, good is always around the corner. Dawn will emerge. The sun will shine again. Your most valuable takeaway will be the lessons learnt along the way. Use them to propel you to the next stage of life.

7.Only a genuine heart can celebrate other people's success. Learn to be happy for them, even before you experience your share of blessings. Don’t begrudge others. You can ask the Almighty to bless you with the same or more. But never be mean and wish ill upon people.

8.You hear this often enough. “Everyone's doing it, you'll regret it. You're still young, have fun" - the familiar whisperings of Satan. Protect yourself from his tricks. Don’t go down that path. Don’t give in. Stay firm. Keep a level head and exercise self-restraint!

9.Don’t rush the Almighty. Don’t rush what He has planned for you. Don’t rush through your supplication thinking that He will abide by your timing. No! Your Creator has His own timing. Trust Him and the process. Learn to be patient. It will be worth it in the end!

10.Almighty. We’re all broken in one way or another. Our energy is sagging & our motivation is lagging. The pressures of life often get the better of us; we feel helpless at times. We know You have our backs. Grant us the strength to keep going & to overcome obstacles in our path.

11.Don’t take people for granted. That’s right. Don’t. No matter how nice people are, remember everyone has limits. Don’t cross that limit. Don’t make unrealistic demands on others because one day, they will snap! Sooner or later, they will. Don’t forget we’re only human!

12.There’s a reason for everything that happens in your life. The Almighty will always put you where you need to be. Trust His plans though you may not understand it at that moment. Stop listening to people’s opinions of what’s going on. Have faith in the journey. He has your back!

13.When you're grateful, the Almighty opens doors no man can shut. Gratitude is key. Never fail to appreciate what He has blessed you with. Use the blessings in His cause and He will grant you more. Do your best in your worldly affairs and the Hereafter. He will reward your effort!

14.Feeling stuck in life? Do you keep going round in circles? Then you have to stop doing what you’re doing & take stock of your life. Reevaluate your priorities & shift your mindset. Only then can you get out of the repetitive rut you’re in. Seek your strength from the Almighty.

15.Train yourself to look at your trials in a positive light. Struggle & strife are part and parcel of life. So take them in your stride when they arrive at your door. Remember, nothing lasts. So you can choose to view your trials with hope or you’ll be swept away by your emotions.


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