life lesson by mufti menk-105


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Don’t be so hard on yourself. At the end of the day, remind yourself that you did the best you could today, and that is good enough. The Almighty is not looking for perfection. Far from it. As long as you’re consistently trying and putting in real effort, that’s all that matters.
2.Maturity has nothing to do with age. It’s a state of mind. So don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise. When you’re able to be patient in an impatient society, when you can walk away from things that disturb your peace, when you do what’s right & ignore what’s not, you’ve matured.

3.The pain you’ve endured has a purpose. The Almighty will grant you more strength & perseverance if you have unwavering faith! So be grateful for the trials that He sends your way. He sends the toughest trials to His best soldiers. Look at them positively. Bear good patience.

4.Give generously. No matter how small you think it is, every little bit helps. Every little bit can make a difference to those in need. Remember, a small charity that comes from the heart holds more weight with the Almighty than a big one done with so much noise and fanfare!

5.Whatever the Almighty has planned for you is for you alone. No one and nothing can stop it from coming to you. Just keep believing! Just keep trusting. It will unfold in due course, according to His timing, not yours. Remember, with Him nothing is impossible!

6.Don't let your sins drown you. Don’t think that your sins are the size of mountains & there’s no way out. Never lose hope in the Almighty’s mercy. Just turn to your Lord with sincere, heartfelt repentance. He loves those who repent. Peace will prevail in your heart!

7.Almighty. Grant ease to those who’ve lost loved ones. Surround them with good company who will offer words of comfort & solace during difficult times. Remove the heaviness from their hearts & let peace reign again. May we all be reunited with our loved ones in Paradise. Aameen.

8.Stop judging people. That’s the Almighty’s job not yours. Instead look at people with eyes of compassion & empathy. Remember, whatever happened to them could happen to you. The tables could turn. He will show you how quickly you could be in their same shoes. Stay humble always!

9.Losing a loved one is not easy. Heartbreaks are not easy. They all take a toll on your physical and mental being. So be patient with yourself. Take time to heal but remember that whatever the Almighty takes away from you, He will surely replace it with something even better.

10.Words are powerful. They can make or break someone. So when you’re conveying a message you heard to someone else, be careful not to distort the original meaning. Some do this intentionally to create mischief between people. Save yourself and stay away from such sinful acts.

11.In this age of social media, pay close attention to your value system. It can be easily eroded if you don’t have a firm grounding. Don’t be in awe of anyone showing off worldly possessions online. Instead, focus on his or her character & good moral principles; they're worth far more.

12.The Almighty’s in charge of every aspect of our existence. The sooner we understand that, the better life becomes. So never stop trusting Him & believing in His Miracles. When feeling low & despondent, the next minute He could be turning things around completely in our favour!

13.Be the first to be kind. Don’t wait for someone else to do it first. You never know the real impact you have on someone. That smile, a good word, a helping hand can all turn a person’s life around. So don’t hesitate. Do it because acts of kindness have tremendous ripple effect!

14.At the end of the day, remember everyone is struggling. Yes. Everyone. In one way or another. We’re all tired to the core. So let’s be kind to those around us. It costs nothing. But it could mean a lot to someone. Go on and make a difference in someone’s life today.

15.When things are good for you, be prepared for some who will start causing havoc in your life. They will cast doubts over what you’ve done. That’s human nature. Don’t worry about them as long as you’ve done the right thing. Focus on the Almighty. Let Him deal with the rest!


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