life lesson by mufti menk-107

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.When missing a penalty makes you cry,

But missing a prayer you never cry,

Then think of the day when you will die, Upon which of the two shall you rely!

2.Every challenge the Almighty sends your way has a lesson attached to it. You’re meant to learn that lesson. You may be stuck in the same position for a long while if you do not understand what He’s trying to teach you. Once you embrace the test, moving on becomes easier!

3.Don’t fall into this trap. Don’t dwell on how privileged you are. It’s how you end the journey that matters. Strive to live a life that endears you to your Creator. Everything else is secondary. Keep asking for a good end. May He take us when He’s most pleased with us!

4.No matter how tempted you are, don’t form your own conclusion based on what you see. Why? Because you will never know the true situation if you’ve not walked in someone’s shoes. Remember, the ignorant sees only with his eyes. But the wise person sees with his heart and mind!

5.Waiting for the Almighty to unfold His Plan for you isn’t always easy. So many factors to consider. But know that in the end, the wait by Divine appointment will be worth it. When you finally see what’s in store for you, all your woes will be forgotten!

6.Almighty. We pour out our worries, anxieties and fears to You, asking for strength to carry on our journey. Times are tough. People have lost loved ones, jobs, their sense of peace. Help us remain calm, totally accepting that You’re in control. Surround us with love and healing!

7.Don’t be ashamed of your scars. You made it through with the Almighty’s help. It shows you’re a fighter. You didn’t give up easily. Remember, this life is a test. You learn through adversity. From your wounds and scars, you develop a deep sense of gratitude for what you have.

8.Your tests will undoubtedly take you out of your comfort zone. You’ll feel uncomfortable. It will feel unfamiliar. But remember, growth takes place when you are challenged not when you’re comfortable. Embrace your tests. Strive to do your best and emerge the winner!

9.Don’t complain about your life. Every storm was designed to make you stronger, because all things that come from the Almighty always complement each other for your own good. Each time you’re tempted to complain, remember others who are struggling so much more. Pray for them!

10.Watch your ego. Do you always have to be right? Are you always putting others down for being wrong? You can’t stand it when you’re being corrected. You’re obsessed with blame & shame. Be careful. All this could land you in a big mess. Manage your ego. Be kind & forgiving.

11.Don’t worry about whatever you lost. It’s the Almighty’s way of reminding you that better things are in store. He will open doors you never imagined and bring about restoration. So don’t be sad and pine over whatever’s gone. Instead, look forward towards what’s to come!

12.When you don’t practice what you preach, this is what happens. You start losing your credibility. Your words start to lose value. Remember, action speaks louder than words. So be mindful when saying something. It’s always easy to engage the mouth even before the brain kicks in!

13.Human beings are trained & conditioned to follow. But ask yourself, do you know what you’re following? Don’t be afraid to break the cycle. Keep asking the Almighty for guidance. The straight path can be lonely at times. It often is. But think of the ultimate, eternal destination!

14.Have you ever faced a challenge you never thought you’d survive? Well, you did and you’re here today. Compare yourself then and now and you’ll realize how much you’ve grown and became stronger as a result of your tests. Remember, He will never test you more than you can handle.

15.When you’re in the midst of a storm and you’re wondering where the Almighty is, remember He has not forsaken you. He has not forgotten you. All you need to do is ask. Anchor your hope firmly. And keep asking. This is not a one-off effort. He will respond in His time. Trust Him!


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