life lesson by mufti menk-115


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Life is fragile. This pandemic has given new meaning to this phrase. Today you’re here, tomorrow you’re gone. The disease doesn’t discriminate. So take precautions; don’t stress about your worldly affairs. Take it in your stride. You’ll be spending forever in the Hereafter!

2.There are some who choose to see the ugliness in things. They believe the whole world is out to get them. Don’t! Choose to see beauty instead. Positivity. You’ll have a different outlook towards life. In fact, when you’re positive, good will follow you wherever you go.

3.Almighty. Don’t allow doubts to settle in our hearts. The uncertainty in the world & the troubling times we’re facing are causing distraction & threatening our peace. Help us stay firm in faith, always trusting Your Plan. Help us see things in perspective. Keep our focus on You.

4.It’s human nature to judge others & vindicate ourselves. Pointing the finger at others & not ourselves is a sin. We never know the true circumstances around people. We have never walked in their shoes. Protect ourselves from such wrongdoing! Focus on our own shortcomings.

5.No matter how difficult the road ahead, don’t quit. The minute you’re ready to quit is usually the minute right before the miracle unfolds. We’ve seen it happen far too many times. So stay firm, trust the process and don’t give up.

6.Don’t believe what you see on social media. You’re NOT behind. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. You’re exactly where the Almighty wants you to be. Stop berating yourself because you’re not what you see others show on their reel. Focus on your journey. He’s with you.

7.At times you’ll feel like giving up. You’ll feel like you can’t make it. But you can and you will get through all your trials. As long as you’re steadfast and trust the Almighty, He will see you through it. Remember, whatever you sow in tears, you will reap in joy!

8.If you could see the entire plan the Almighty has for you, would you still complain? He is indeed the Best Planner. If you could see the end results of all your trials, would you still be miserable? Remember, there’s a silver lining in every challenge. Keep going. Trust Him.

9.Whatever you do, don’t hurt others. When you try to hurt those who hurt you, you’re only hurting yourself. Because it’s not in your character to act in an ugly manner. What you need to do is forgive and move on. Easier said than done for most. But only good can overcome evil.

10.Don’t be fooled by social media! No one lives a perfect life. Not many will put their bad days on their show reel. The days when things didn’t work out, when the heart was broken, when feeling lost & alone, when filled with self-doubts & unanswered questions. So don’t be envious!

11.How often do we forget the big picture? We look at the nitty gritty. We want everything to be perfect. We want everything to go our way. We are always restless, looking for warts and blemishes. Stop it! Enjoy what we have and all the blessings the Almighty has bestowed on us!

12.You can be a kind and caring person who respects people’s needs and still set healthy boundaries for your own well-being. Learn when to walk away and when to work things out. You can’t control how people treat you but you can control what you tolerate.

13.There’s a reason why the Almighty is making us wait. It’s never to make it hard on us but to develop our character. Remember, patience doesn’t happen overnight. It needs to be nurtured. It takes time. So have a good attitude while you wait. He has promised great rewards!

14.Trust the Almighty to give you things that you didn’t even know you needed or wanted in your life. Don’t forget He knows you better than you know yourself. Remember, He made you. He will give you whatever you’ve asked for when the time is right. In the meantime, be patient.

15.Almighty! Keep us safe & surround us with those who will constantly remind us of You. Help us choose the right company like-minded people who will not distract us away from our journey towards You. Guide us in all that we do; all the way to Paradise. Aameen.

16.Learn to cut out the noise around you. Calm down and see things in perspective. Reset your faith! Everything that is going on in your life will soon make sense. Don’t let Satan mess with your mind and tell you otherwise. Have beautiful patience and the Almighty will guide you!


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