life lesson by mufti menk-116

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.When people hurt you, most would try & hurt them back. Before you do that, just think for a moment what their lives must be like. Would you want to be in their place? Would you like to have their mindset; do what they did? If the answer is no, let it go. Say a prayer for them

2.Don’t be upset when your work is not acknowledged. It’s human nature to want recognition. Sometimes even a thank you will suffice. But it may not be forthcoming. The Almighty knows what you’ve done and how much effort and sacrifice went into it. Isn’t that the best thing for you?

3.The Almighty knows what you’re doing. He knows exactly what you’re going through. He knows you never gave up. You kept going even when the going was tough. You did your best. You had ultimate patience. You depended on Him every step of the way. And your reward is with Him alone!

4.So your life’s a mess and everything seems topsy turvy. Do your best still under the circumstances but understand the Almighty’s plan. Sometimes He makes things fall all the way apart just to come perfectly together at the right time and the right place. Trust Him!

5.Is your heart at ease? A diseased heart won’t be at ease. If you want to feel the sweetness of worship, cleanse your heart. Get rid of pride, hatred, envy & anything that gets in the way of being fully focused on the Almighty. It won’t happen overnight but you’ll get there.

6.This is life in a nutshell. Do good and people will talk. Do bad and people will talk. So let them talk. Live your life the best way possible. Life’s really too short to be worrying about people who are jealous of you and will talk behind your back.

7.Remember, every good or bad thing that happens in your life is not for public consumption. Why would you want to share it on social media? Why give people additional fodder? Learn to keep things private between you & the Almighty. He’s the only One you need to confide in.

8.Are you feeling unsettled & always unhappy? Happiness will not come to those who are never grateful for the Almighty’s blessings. This world is not a place where you get exactly what you want. There are many out there who will never have what you have; so be thankful always.

9.You think there’s no solution; no way out of your problems. You feel almost certain that it’s a dead end. You forget you have the Lord of the Worlds, the Owner of Miracles. Remember, don’t consider your circumstances, consider what the Almighty can do. Nothing is impossible.

10.Envy is a bad word. It makes you wonder why everyone else seems happy but you. You see this on social media & you’re finding it hard to come to terms with it. You can’t achieve the lifestyle you want but you see others have. You need to get back to real life. Stop the comparison.

11.Not everyone will want the best for you. Understand the reality. The same people who wanted you to rise can feel deflated by your success. Don’t be surprised if their cheers turn to boos. Some don’t like seeing others do better than them because it shows up their weakness.

12.The Almighty will never fail you. He’ll restore everything you lost. During your life, you will, perhaps, lose your job, things & people. Trust His Plan. It may not be apparent now, but will be clearly revealed in due course. Whoever & whatever’s meant to be there will stay!

13.Almighty. Grant us protection from those who are trying to harm us & have bad intentions towards us. Purify our hearts & fill it with love & goodness. You are indeed our refuge & strength! Surround us with those who will empower us. May You always be our Guide & watch over us.

14.Do you often wonder if the Almighty hears your cries and pleas? Why is He taking so long to respond? We’ve wept, we’ve begged, cried our hearts out, but still He’s not answering. Why? Because He operates on His schedule, not yours. But remember, your patience is your Paradise!

15.Waiting on the Almighty is always worth it. Wait patiently. Don’t settle for anything less. He always has the best plan in store for you. Trust Him. Faith is forceful. Believe that it will happen. May be not today or tomorrow. But it will happen; eventually.

16.It’s easy to pick on what’s wrong and what’s not going well in life but it takes firm faith in the Almighty to see positive vibes in everything. Unfortunately, most tend to focus on flaws. We have become expert nitpickers overlooking the good in most things. Change your outlook.

17.If the company you keep doesn’t care much about others, shows no empathy and compassion, then it’s time you relook the people you call friends. Change your circle of friends if you have to. You’ll see life from a different lens and you’ll be thankful you made the change!

18.It’s ok to take time out. Your mind too needs a break; not just your physical body. With so much going on around us, it’s easy to get caught up with things & overlook your mental health. Don’t feel guilty about having “me” time to restore your energy & refocus your mind!

19.Today, many are sad and disillusioned because they fail to appreciate what the Almighty has bestowed on them. They scoff at His blessings because they are too busy admiring the fake life portrayed by some on social media. Remember to be grateful, before it’s taken away from you!

20.The Almighty has blessed each and everyone of us with unique talents and abilities. Never underestimate the power of these blessings. Use them wisely, use them well. Use them to spread goodness wherever you go. Whatever good you do will come back to you in unexpected ways!


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