life lesson by mufti menk-119

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.No one can block what the Almighty has in store for you. You’ve shown beautiful patience while you waited. So get ready because your favours will bring about untold blessings and you’ll be so grateful that you didn’t give up.

2.Do you trust the Almighty? Or are you just paying lip service? The key to trusting Him is to stop believing that your circumstances and what you’re going through are more powerful than Him. They’re not! Nothing is greater than Him.

3.Faith is powerful. When you’re able to accept everything that happens to you as part of the Almighty’s plan, you’re on the road to something greater. Remember, one day, all the pieces of the puzzle will fit and you’ll be so pleased that you remained patient right till the end!

4.Life is hard for many. People are clinging on to hope that things will soon be better. Almighty. Help us remember that You are always with us and we’re never alone. We can’t face tomorrow with all its uncertainty on our own. We need You now more than ever. Keep our hearts firm.

5.We often hear people say ‘forgive & forget’ & move on. There is some truth in that but let’s give it another interpretation. How about ‘forget it enough to get over it; but make sure you remember it enough when you need to so it doesn’t happen again’. Learn from the experience!

6.You may be suffering inside but don’t keep it all bottled up in there. Share it with the Almighty. Don’t share it with others. Tell Him everything. He’s the only One who will listen and respond. He’s the only One who can and will give you that inner peace you long and crave for.

7.Never think that the Almighty won’t answer your prayers. Remember, your prayers matter. He hears them; all of them & He will answer according to His timing. Our timing isn’t His timing. For us, His timing often feels like a long delay. But His timing is always perfect.

8.Why do we have the tendency to stereotype people & think like we know it all? Why do we often feel like we can speak with authority on someone’s life? How can we when we’ve not experienced what the other person has; we’ve not walked in his shoes? Learn to be more compassionate.

9.All that you’ve been praying for will come to you one day. Your life now may seem like a big waiting game, but understand that everything that happens until that point is taking shape in preparation for that day. Are you going to worry or are you going to trust the Almighty?

10.Are you looking for the formula for success in this world and the next? Trust the Almighty. Make Him your priority, not people. Stay the course no matter what challenges you encounter. Keep the faith. Pray. Believe that He wants only good for you. Never give up!

11.Many would go to other people and pour their hearts out when faced with a challenge. Many forget the “Almighty factor” and some don’t even turn to Him. Change that mindset. Remember, He can do in a second what no man can do in a lifetime! What are you waiting for? Turn to Him!

12.If you want the Almighty to help you then help others. Remember, He’s the Owner of everything. Whatever you have, comes from Him. As much as He gives, He can also take away in the blink of an eye. So be wary how you treat people. He’s aware and knows everything that you do.

13.Keep your distance from those who constantly want to update you on situations you have outgrown. Tell them politely, you’re no longer interested. If they cannot respect that, it’s time to let them go, minimising future contact. Remember, your peace is everything.

14.You’ll never find true happiness if it’s tied to material things. That new car won’t make you happy. A huge mansion, the latest smartphone won’t either. True joy & contentment will not be found externally. Sort things out inside you & you’ll start feeling better about yourself.

15.Life is fragile. This pandemic has given new meaning to this phrase. Today you’re here, tomorrow you’re gone. The disease doesn’t discriminate. So take precautions; don’t stress about your worldly affairs. Take it in your stride. You’ll be spending forever in the Hereafter!


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