life lesson by mufti menk-122


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Appreciate those who do their best to forget about what they’re going through, the troubles in life & put on a smile for the world to see. Appreciate how strong such people are for being able to stay positive in spite of everything! So always be kind to those who cross your path.

2.There are those who will try their best to bring you down. When they don’t succeed, they will try and dig up your past to use against you. Remember, never be a prisoner to your past. You’ve learnt your lesson and you’ve moved on. You don’t need their approval for anything.

3.Be wary of those who talk too much. They say a lot but there’s little value attached to what they’re saying. It’s all rumour, gossip and hearsay and they thrive on it. If you’re in the company of such people, pay attention to the content; what are they really saying?

4.Don’t feel guilty if you find that you’ve outgrown certain people. It happens. Not everyone will always be on the same level as you. Your job is to recognize that and to keep moving in line with what the Almighty has charted for you. Stay on course and you’ll get there!

5.Don’t keep focusing on the hurt and the people who hurt you. It will only depress you. Instead, focus on the Almighty’s purpose for your life, which is greater than any problem or pain you might be facing. Let go of the hurt. Don’t let it control you. Let Him heal you!

6.Beware of those who dilute their faith just to appease the masses. They may think they’re getting away with it but remember, the Almighty is All-Knowing. There’s no such thing as going with the flow in matters of belief. Be firm in faith. There’s no sitting on the fence.

7.This pandemic has made us more anxious about our lives than ever before,but anxiety changes nothing. Instead, hand over the anxieties to the Almighty. Keep praying, knowing that He’s in control of every aspect of our existence. Hold on tight to your faith. He’s with you always.

8.Don’t focus on the problem. Instead, look for solutions. Often people are caught up with the magnitude of the problem, they forget who’s in charge. Learn to trust the Almighty with all your affairs even when it makes no sense. He has your back. He’s in full control.

9.Don't get distracted. Don’t be discouraged because the Almighty has planned your life in the most beautiful way. Such things take time so don’t rush it. He’s in full control. Your job is to wait patiently and the blessings will unfold. One by one, right before your eyes.

10.Learn to be patient. It has many virtues and you’ll end up tasting the sweetest fruits. Instead, when you’re impatient and rash, it can cost you dearly in terms of wasted time and resources. So learn to slow down. The Almighty will grant you ease when the time is right.

11.Manage your expectations if you don’t want to end up disappointed. Don’t expect to get what you give because not everyone has a heart like yours. Nonetheless, give generously, knowing your reward is with the Almighty and not from people around you.

12.Some just argue for the sake of arguing. They need to find flaws in everything or disagree just to be disagreeable. The Almighty dislikes such acts. You don’t always need to have the last say & be the smartest person in the room. Choose your battles & have a sense of proportion.

13.Almighty. Bless us with more faith and hope. Many are facing tough times. Many have lost loved ones. Help us to not get frustrated and discouraged. Help us through our trials and darkest hour. We need You more than ever. Bring peace to our confusion; turn our worry into prayer.

14.The death of two family members within a few hours of each other is not easy to bear. We're definitely living in very trying times. May Allah Almighty make it easy for us. Pray for the deceased. #lossofamily #sadday

15.When the Almighty promises something, it will happen. Trust the process. Don’t be impatient and end it prematurely because you’re not seeing the results yet. Your prayers will be answered when the time is right according to Him. Not by your judgement. But His Divine Wisdom.


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