life lesson by mufti menk-123


life lesson by mufti menk

1.When the Almighty guides, no one can misguide. The changes that last are the ones that come from inside, not just because of outside pressure. You’ll know when the time is right. It comes from your heart. When you see His Signs in everything that you do. May He keep guiding us.

2.Don’t follow blindly. Some of us are stressed out because we’re doing things which we see others do and we’re not getting the same results. Don’t be a copycat. What works for some may not work for you. Focus on what the Almighty wants you to do. Don’t worry about others.

3.Isn't it amazing how the Almighty always grants you ease right on time? You may not have all you desire but He knows exactly how to meet your needs. He does it at the precise time when you feel you can’t handle it anymore and you want to give up! Always trust His judgement.

4.Learn to listen more. Don’t react mindlessly. You’re allowed to disagree with others, state your opinion respectfully but NEVER get physical or violent. This quality makes us distinct from animals! So be civilised & listen. It would save you from a whole lot of regret later on.

5.Don’t expect people to understand you. They love to judge & speak like they know what you’re going through. The truth is they don’t. No one does because they’ve not walked in your shoes. So don’t feel frustrated when you hear their comments. The Almighty knows. Smile & move on.

6.You were confident that you deserved it & will get it. But the Almighty didn't allow it. Sometimes He will remove, block or withhold something, not to hurt you, but to free you from that which will distance you from Him. He knows best!

7.Sometimes we only have ourselves to blame because we are what’s making us miserable. Stop being negative and stop thinking about all that’s wrong in life. Instead, count the blessings and thank the Almighty. He will reward you with even more.

8.Remember, the Almighty can see further down the road than you can. So trust when He disrupts your plan. Trust when He says move. You’ll know what to do if you pay close attention to His signs. Things may get uncomfortable before they get better but your job is to trust Him.

9.No one can block what the Almighty has in store for you. You’ve shown beautiful patience while you waited. So get ready because your favours will bring about untold blessings and you’ll be so grateful that you didn’t give up.

10.Do you trust the Almighty? Or are you just paying lip service? The key to trusting Him is to stop believing that your circumstances and what you’re going through are more powerful than Him. They’re not! Nothing is greater than Him.

11.Faith is powerful. When you’re able to accept everything that happens to you as part of the Almighty’s plan, you’re on the road to something greater. Remember, one day, all the pieces of the puzzle will fit and you’ll be so pleased that you remained patient right till the end!


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