life lesson by mufti menk-125


life lesson by mufti menk

1.What is this life but a journey. You’ll see people come & go. Some will be gems, others will disappoint you. Promises will be made & broken. Dreams turn into nightmares. Whatever happens, take it in your stride, knowing the Almighty planned it & will see you through it.

2.Do good, no matter how small the deed. The Almighty never forgets the good you’ve done. He’s aware what you did for others, the hardship you experienced, the pain you relieved them from. Nothing escapes Him. So even if you don’t receive good in return, don’t fret. He knows.

3.Don’t you dare give up on the Almighty. Never quit on what He is leading you to do. Even if it gets hard. Even if it doesn’t make sense. Your job is to stay rooted to your faith and trust Him. He will always find a way for you and the results will be apparent. Be patient.

4. Never think that the Almighty is your last hope! He’s not! He’s your ONLY hope. Unfortunately, we put more trust in the creation rather than the Creator! He’s the only One who can do for us what no man could ever do! So turn to Him and only Him!

5.The world is one big distraction. Ask the Almighty to keep us away from things which make us lose focus. Have the courage to say no. No more living to please people. Don’t worry about what others think, no more fighting battles that don’t matter. Time to get back on track.

6. Whatever you’re going through in life, pray. When you think you’re done, pray again. When the world is asleep, pray. Remember, prayer not only changes things, it changes people’s hearts and that in turn can change your circumstances. So pray for it, then prepare for it.

7.Remember, it’s not always just about you. Often, there are other people involved and your actions do affect them. So be careful what you say and do. Think of the implications and ramifications. Don’t just shoot from the hip! Be considerate.

8. Don’t fall for Satan’s tricks. If he can’t trap you into sinning, he keeps you busy with trivial acts which have no benefit. Instead of using your time wisely, fulfilling priorities towards the Almighty & reaching your goal, Satan occupies you with useless actions. Stay vigilant.

9. You won’t be able to find answers to everything. Some questions don’t need answers & they’re better off that way. You just need a firm heart, full of trust that it will turn out fine. A heart full of love & peace. You’ll be amazed at how much more you get out of the unspoken.

10. Find peace in whatever situation we’re facing right now. Constantly remind ourselves that things will never be perfect but we have a perfect Creator who will grant us peace way beyond our understanding. Trust His Divine Wisdom to restore order and balance to our lives.

11. Remember, charity begins at home. So don’t make your friends more important than your family. Some people are so good to those outside their homes but treat their family members badly; with abusive talk and action. If that’s the case, you’ve lost credibility with the Almighty.

12 .The good and bad, happy and sad - these things will happen in your life. Try not to be upset, learn to take things in your stride. It’s all part of the Almighty’s Plan. So accept His Decree & face everything with full confidence, knowing that He’s watching over you.

13. Almighty. You are indeed the Best Planner. We thank You for giving us the strength when we felt like giving up. We’ve learnt not to panic because we know You’re with us. Keep our hearts firm in faith, come what may. We fully trust everything that You have planned for us. Aameen

14. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Hurting back the people who hurt you makes you just like them. Be careful. Learn to rise above it all. Don’t stoop down to their level. It’s not worth it. Besides that’s not who you are. Keep your character intact. Take the high road instead.

15.The choice is yours to focus on your blessings or your problems. Whichever you choose will either bring about contentment or worry & stress in your life. The more you focus on your blessings, the more the Almighty will bestow upon you. He loves a grateful heart. So choose wisely.


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