life lesson by mufti menk-130


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Live a life of gratitude. Constantly remind yourself of the good things the Almighty has sent your way. The uncountable blessings He has bestowed on you. Too often, we let the negative things from our past take centre stage. Don’t. Think of the positive and the beneficial.

2.Almighty. We beg You to grant us peace of mind amidst the turmoil we face in our daily lives. Don’t let the anxiety and stress get the better of us. Grant us clarity of vision to do what’s best. Guide us on this journey of life which is often paved with obstacles. Aameen.

3.Think hard of the ones you may have hurt in the course of your life. Do your best to seek them out and make peace. You’ll feel a lot better that way. But know that they may reject you. If that happens, take comfort you have tried. Ask the Almighty to soften their hearts.

4.Life isn’t easy. Don’t expect a walk in the park just because you say you believe. You must expect the unexpected turns and curveballs. They’re part of your journey. It’s how you overcome these situations that will make you winner or loser.

5.There will be times in your life when the Almighty makes you experience certain trials which only He can get you through. These difficult situations are meant to raise you to the next level. Will you persevere with beautiful patience or will you throw in the towel? 

6.Arrogance is being full of yourself, you're always right. You strut around like you know everything. Confidence is humble, quiet & doesn't shout. You’re full of useful knowledge & you share it in a manner that doesn’t make the other person feel ignorant! Know the difference.

7.When they hurt you, hurting them back will not heal your pain. Instead treat them kindly. Rise above it all & do good. Always leave a trail of goodness. Let the Almighty handle the rest. He will not only reward you for your efforts, He will also heal you.

8.Having faith doesn’t mean the storms of life won’t hit you but it means that you won’t be overwhelmed by challenges that happen in your life. You will take it in your stride because you know the Almighty has your back. Trust Him. Always.

9.Do you have friends who are sincerely happy for your success? They respect the hard work you do and value your effort. They build you up instead of tearing you down. The ones who boost your morale and build your self- confidence. If you have such friends, keep them close.

10.Quit wasting time in group chat and online chatter. Many spend hours each day on such frivolous activity and some even do it at the expense of the link with their Creator. Instead, get busy building a connection with the Almighty. Serve humanity. Life's way too short to waste.

11.Be mindful of the distractions around us. It will tempt us in more ways than one. It’s inevitable. Because we live in a world that’s filled to the brim with temptations & addictions that are intended to lead us far away from the Almighty. Be disciplined enough to resist it.

12.There are many who think they must turn their lives around before they can start praying & getting closer to the Almighty. This is wrong & needs to be rectified. Know that this is a trick of Satan. Don’t fall for it. No matter what’s going on in your life, pray.

13.Don’t bad-mouth people. Don’t say nasty things about them. Having a bad opinion of others is a disease of the heart. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Be kind. Pray for them to be guided. Leave the rest to the Almighty.

14.Be wary of the words you speak. Once your tongue slips, you can never recover your words. That’s why never partake in gossip. Gossipers steal another person’s dignity, honor, reputation and credibility which may be impossible to restore! Stay away from such evil acts.

15.The reality is that we all tend to worry about the future from time to time. That’s ok. We’re human. But try not to exhaust yourself on something that hasn’t even happened. Don’t clutter your mind with such thoughts. Focus on the present moment. Live positively. Trust Him.


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