life lesson by mufti menk-131


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Almighty. Keep reminding us that whatever You do is for our good. Nothing’s lost. Help us quit looking at how impossible it is, how long it’s been, what we don’t have. Help us shake off the disappointments, what didn’t work out. Help us see the blessing & positive side of things.

2.Feeling down and getting impatient with life’s tests? There is always someone out there who has it worse than you. Don’t forget that. The Almighty has blessed you with more than you could ever ask for, without even asking for it. So always be grateful and He will grant you more.

3.The fact is we’re too quick to judge others. We label the quiet ones as snobbish. Has it occurred to us that they could be hiding a deep pain & prefer not to talk about it? Be gentle with people just like we’d like them to be gentle with us. Don’t assume anything.

4.In the heat of the moment, a lot of things are normally being said, often without second thought; meaning people are just projecting their hurt onto others. Protect yourself as best you can from such occurrences. Take things with a pinch of salt. Don’t take them personally.

5.Stay away from people who sap your energy & drain you. They love to argue & complain incessantly. It’s always the problem & never the solution. Always the negative & never the positive. Change the company you keep. Keep pace with people who energize you & help you grow.

6.Every new day the Almighty gives you is a bonus. It’s a blessing not everyone gets. Use the time to deliberately slow down and reflect on the countless good things you have going for you. There’s so much to be grateful for in your life. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

7.Not everyone will be happy for you. Stop sharing news of your blessings with all. Some people can’t handle it & they’ll do what it takes to ruin it. Remember, these people are insecure & feel threatened. Real friends should want the best for you even if you do better than them.

8.Making a choice is not easy at times. Always seek your strength & guidance from the Almighty. Don’t wallow in self-pity. Don’t stand in the midst of fear without trusting Him. Remember, He knows best. He will make it easier to move on. Remember, He has your back.

9.Your good deeds won’t guarantee you Paradise. So don’t become complacent. There’s no such thing as auto-acceptance from the Almighty. With social media, things get tricky. Are you doing it for Him or for the likes & accolades from people? Examine your heart. Purify your intent.

10.Don’t fall for Satan’s plot. He does not want you to repent at all. But if he fails in his attempt, the next best plan is to delay your repentance. He tries to tell you that it will be easier later on. That’s a lie. The longer you wait, the harder it gets to repent. Don’t delay.

11.We tend to think the grass is always greener on the other side. Sadly we usually feel what we have is not good enough. We love comparing; we think we deserve a better life. We become restless. Be careful. The Almighty can remove everything in the blink of an eye. Be grateful.

12.We are in a sad state today. We let society dictate the norms, we become victims of our own desires. We find it easy to please the world. We want to appear great in front of others. What about our Creator? How much are we willing to do to please Him? Let’s get our act together.

13.Knowing what not to say is equally important. We often focus on what we say & forget this part. Don’t feel like you have to respond to everyone & take part in every discussion & argument thrown at you. Often, the best response in many situations is simply to remain silent. Peace.

14.Don’t let them make you believe that loving yourself is selfish. It’s not. It’s necessary. When you love yourself, you have more to offer others. Above all, be yourself. The Almighty has made you in the best possible way and if they don’t like it, they can move on.

15.Almighty. We ask You to purify our hearts. Help us see the positive side of things. There’s so much negativity in the world today. We know You want the best for us. Help us press the reset button of repentance, realizing our need for You always. Keep guiding us. Aameen.


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