life lesson by mufti menk-132


life lesson by mufti menk

1.You seldom get second chances with humans. Once you’ve messed up, you’re labelled a failure. With the Almighty, it’s completely different. You’ll be given a second, third, fourth chance etc. He’ll always throw you a lifeline. Call on Him & He will lift you out of your misery.

2.If you have friends who will show up when you’re down, you’re blessed. There are too many fair-weather friends in this world. Remember, not everyone has the capacity and will to be present when you’re not shining. It takes a special heart to do that.

3.Things didn’t work out because you were under the Almighty’s Divine Protection. Understand His Plan. Yet half the time we pine for what’s over and gone and refuse to accept that He did it in our best interest. He always does.

4.Let people assume whatever they want about you. You’re not responsible for their assumptions and whatever else they think they know about you and who you’re supposed to be. You can’t stop them anyway. It has nothing to do with who you really are. Just live.

5.When you pray, pray with confidence. Don’t let circumstances intimidate you. Don’t give up. You’re asking the Lord of the Worlds. Nothing is impossible for Him. Your prayers will be answered according to His timing. Keep praying.

6.When you put your full trust in the Almighty and refuse to give up, you’ll achieve what you set out to do. Persistent faith will lead you to success in this world and the next. It doesn’t mean everything is perfect but you press on because you know that He wants the best for you.

7.The Almighty has planned it all for your good. He has a master plan for your life. There may be things you don’t understand right now but do not worry. All the pieces are not in place yet. One day it will all come together and everything will make sense. Keep trusting Him.

8.Attention and recognition are what some crave. They love being controversial. They love making headlines and being in the limelight. Be careful. Think of the consequences when you’re alone in your grave or worse having to defend yourself before your Creator on Judgement Day.

9.Do you find yourself being tested again and again even though you’re doing all that the Almighty has asked of you? Don’t fret. Know that your trials are a blessing not a punishment. He loves you and sends the toughest tests to his best soldiers. Endure with beautiful patience.

10.Be proactive in your journey called life. No matter how long you’ve been walking down the road, once you see a dead end, a roadblock, a no entry sign, give yourself permission to turn around. You’re never stuck if you stay connected to the Almighty. He will always find a way out.

11.Do you have someone who always finds fault or advises you about your life, job, habits, etc? But the person never follows his own advice. Some have an agenda and can hurt your self-confidence badly. Don’t give your time to deceitful people pretending to be what they’re not.

12.You were waiting for that apology but it never came. And that is okay. Don’t focus on it. Let it go. Don’t let it consume you. Let the Almighty take care of things. Healing begins when you can accept that and move on with peace in your heart.

13.It’s wrong to assume that the ones who are quiet are empty, blank with nothing to offer. They might be busy reflecting, observing etc. They’d rather watch the drama from the sidelines. Silence has its merits so when it’s time to speak up, they will. Give people some credit.

14.Don't allow your circumstances to dictate your feelings. When you accept the Almighty’s Decree fully, you have the right attitude towards difficulties and trials. You accept there’s good in everything eventually. You’re able to walk firmly & steadily. You have firm faith in Him.

15.Be mindful of the one who pretends to be your best friend, only to turn around and betray you, spreading lies, untruths and hurtful gossip about you. Whatever the reason behind this behavior, it's important to protect yourself from it. Stay away from such people. Pray for them!


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