life lesson by mufti menk-133


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Almighty. There’s so much going on in the world around us. We beg You to help everyone who’s going through pain & hardship in life. Many feel broken. May You grant ease, remove all obstacles & guide us all out of difficulty. Make us completely dependent on You and You alone.

2.Don't you dare give up because you’re tired of waiting. How could you? Have you forgotten the Almighty’s promise? He won’t burden you with that which you have no ability to bear. Trust Him. He’s in full control & watching over you. Keep going; your breakthrough is in sight.

3.Do you often wonder, “why does this keep happening to me?” Perhaps it’s time for self-reflection. Perhaps the same behavioural patterns are giving you the same, unwanted results. Perhaps, the Almighty wants you to learn the lesson before He elevates you to the next level.

4.Leave people better than when you found them. Smile, lend a helping hand, use good words; do what it takes. Go out of your way if possible. They will remember you long after you left them. Such is the ripple effect of doing good. Never belittle any such act, no matter how small.

5.Remember, the Almighty can see the road more clearly than we can. He is in complete control of every aspect of our existence. So when He shows us the signs to move on, do it. Trust Him. Keep praying for guidance. He is our best Guardian and Protector.

6.Cultivate the habit of letting the Almighty deal with things beyond your control. Do your best and pray. When you pray, trust that He will work all things out for your own good. Then rest assured knowing that He wants only the best for you always.

7.Things won't always work out the way you planned so whenever they do, be grateful. Whenever they don’t, be even more grateful because the Almighty is saving you from things you do not know. Never take anything for granted. His Divine Wisdom is beyond our understanding. Trust Him.

8.There are some people who will purposely doubt your every move no matter how well intended. Leave them be. Stop over-explaining. If they’re bent on misunderstanding you, they will do so no matter what you say. Don’t fret. The Almighty knows your heart. That’s all that matters.

9.Stop doing things that bring negative energy into your life. Don’t listen to gossip, empty chatter etc. Connect with people who can motivate you & bring on positivity. No matter how difficult it is, you must make a concerted effort to move on in your life in the best possible way.

10.In life, you have to know when to shut out the noise. There will always be those who will falsely accuse you. Let the naysayers be. As long as you’ve done no wrong, be at peace. The Almighty knows. He will calm you and grant you contentment no matter what they say about you.

11.If you’re going through hard times now, remember it won’t last. You will become a better version of yourself because of what you endured. Hard times make you resilient. It may not feel so now but it will be worth it in the end. Just press on. Stopping is not an option.

12.When you’re not trying to impress anyone but the Almighty, your whole life will take on a different perspective. Much of what you’ve been through will add a breath of fresh air to your life. Your habits, decisions, responses etc will change. You’re not worried what people think.

13.Growth is quiet. It doesn’t shout. It’s humble and reassuring. You feel a deep sense of achievement but you don’t seek validation. You feel a sense of calm. You know you gave it all you got; and you know that the Almighty knows. That’s good enough for you.

14.Don't stay long where you don't belong. When people are engaged in gossip, backbiting etc plan your move. Learn when to leave. It's wisdom. Save yourself from the unnecessary chatter which is not only an absolute waste of time & sinful but will also eat away at your good deeds.

15.The Almighty doesn’t promise us an easy ride; a life with no scars. When we experience life’s challenges, we will be changed. The more trust we have in Him, the stronger our faith, the better life becomes. The decision is ours to make. Let’s not short-change ourselves.


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