life lesson by mufti menk -142


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Don’t let your mood affect the way you treat people. Most people are ruled by their emotions without any awareness that this is happening. But once you realize the power of emotions, simply acknowledging your own can help greatly as you can better manage them.

2.Life is full of ups and downs. Remember, not a single soul has his life all figured out. Anything can happen anytime. Our job is to be prepared. Embrace the good and bad times. Pray for guidance always.

3.Learn to let go of things and watch your life take dramatic turns. Remember, to let go is not to mourn over and regret the past but to grow and live for the future.

4.When you make this world your priority, be prepared for endless problems. This is the nature of the temporary abode. But if you make the Hereafter your main goal, the Almighty will ease your worldly affairs. He will always have your back.

5.It’s human nature to want more. Insatiable. That’s what we are. For a change today, how about thanking the Almighty for what we already have and what He has blessed us with before asking for what we want?

6.When you're sad and things are looking bad, look for a reason to smile. Believe me, you have much to be thankful for. Show gratitude. Thank the Almighty always.

7.Don’t worry about what others have. Focus on what you have. That’s gratitude. It will pave the way for a calm heart. It unfolds joy. Steer clear of envy because it gives rise to depression.

8.All the hurt, wounds and unkind words that have been hurled at you, they add up. They can get lodged in the crevices of your heart, dimming your shine and brilliance. Don’t let them stay there. Forgive and let go. Not easy but you must for your own peace of mind.

9.Hold on to your inner peace no matter how bad things are. That's your greatest strength! Without it, you have nothing. Remember, everything will pass.

10.Almighty. Keep guiding us to the right path. Even when the path is dimly lit, Your truth lights the way. Keep our hopes alive even as we’re dashed upon the rocky shores of life. Continue to give us clarity and wisdom in all that we do. Aameen.

11.There are many going through difficult times today. Many also don’t put their trauma on display, preferring to deal with it quietly in their own way. So don’t be mean and hurt people with your words and actions. Be kind to all you meet.

12.Be mindful of one of the Almighty’s most precious blessings. Time. The day will come when you realize how much time you've wasted and how much more time you could've spent in His favour. Start doing it today.

13.Don't kick someone when he's already down. You wouldn’t want that done to you. Be kind; motivate, a pat on the back, a positive word can go a long way. Be the rainbow in someone's darkest clouds.

14.Life is full of challenges. Whatever you’re facing, do it with beautiful patience, knowing it’s from the Almighty. Above all, trust Him. Serve your purpose. Choose kindness and peace in all that you do.

15.Many chase wealth and power but do you ever realize that nothing really belongs to you. Nothing. That’s right. Even YOU will return to the Almighty.


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