life lesson by mufti menk-143


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Be mindful of your actions and behaviour. Whatever you do in life will come back to you sooner or later. That’s because life has a way of coming full circle. So stay humble always because that will surely triumph over your ego.

2.Decision makers need to verify information before reacting and causing panic among the masses and affecting livelihoods of many. Knee-jerk reactions are often unhealthy with serious consequences. Do your homework thoroughly before you react. May the Almighty grant us the wisdom.

3.Choose your friends wisely. The kind who will root for your success. Cherish your joys and wins. Those who respect you and will go out of their way to stand up for you. The ones who will build you up rather than tear you down.

4.You can be among the poorest but you can still give others the most precious gift of all - in the form of a sincere supplication. Go on. Be sure it comes from the heart.

5.We've all come across people who make life difficult for us. Try to understand them. Pray for them. Give advice. If that fails, try to avoid them and their agenda.

6.If money is what you love, you'll never get enough. If wealth is what you adore, you'll always be wanting more. Our wants are limitless. Never hoard. Live moderately. Give generously and the blessings will be immense.

7.Almighty. Grant us relief from stress and worry, knowing You’re in control. Take away all the anxiety and grant us peace. Help us grow our faith and dependence on You and no one else. Aameen.

8.This is life. Ups and downs. Hurdles and obstacles. Surely you’re familiar with all that. But never let it get you down. Remember, nothing is permanent in this temporary life. Nothing lasts. Keep going. The final destination is beautiful.

9.Look beyond your pain and see what others are going through; their pain, their struggle and how you can do something about it. That's called being compassionate.

10.Don't make it a pastime to constantly find fault and pick on others. Turn to yourself instead. There’s so much you can do to improve yourself. Don't be blind to your own shortcomings.

11.Delays are part of life. Get used to it. Not everything will go according to your plan. When the Almighty delays, He always does it for a reason. Read that again.

12.Keep asking the Almighty to purify our hearts. In this age of social media, this has become extremely important because you could be doing good work but if you’re doing it for attention, then you’re doing it for the wrong reason.

13.The only competition we have is with ourselves. So if you need to compare, compare yourself to yesterday. Not to others. It all starts with you.

14.You may have all the money in the world but if your heart is not there, nothing will move you to help others. It all boils down to the heart.

15.You are what you eat, they say. But don’t forget it’s not just about the food that you consume. What you put inside your body physically, spiritually and emotionally matters as well. Don’t be heedless.


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