life lesson by mufti menk-144


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Let’s face it. Most of the things we worry about in life are insignificant. Most of them we can’t control anyway. It’s the Almighty’s way of showing us who’s in control. So focus on being the best version of ourselves. Hand over the rest to Him.

2.Whatever’s going on around you, don’t let the negativity of the world depress you. Don't let your burdens drown you. Don’t think that your sins are the size of mountains and there’s no hope! Turn to the Almighty with sincere repentance. He loves those who repent.

3.Almighty. Grant strength to those suffering in silence, where life is hard and they feel they can't go on. But they put on a brave front despite all that. Have mercy on them. Pick them up and help them get through the difficult period. Aameen.

4.Are you on the verge of giving up? Don’t! Think of how far you’ve come. Everything you’ve been through; the times you thought you couldn’t make it but did; the mornings you couldn’t get out of bed but pushed yourself anyway. Always seek your strength from the Almighty.

5.You’re trying hard and the Almighty knows. He will keep testing you to see if you’re sincere; if you’re striving your utmost and bearing patience. Honestly, that’s all that matters. That He is satisfied you tried your best.

6.Remember, nothing lasts. Where you are today isn’t where you will stay. The Almighty has promised. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise with each new day. Keep hope alive in your heart. He’s right with you.

7.We can't sit back and expect the Almighty to do everything for us. It's a two-way process. Show gratitude, get closer to Him. He'll guide us.

8.Do you feel the need to answer to your critics? You don’t have to. You don’t have to try and prove to people who you are. Your journey is yours alone. Remain steadfast. Honour the Almighty. He will work things out for you in the end. Just remain calm and bear patience.

9.Good days and bad days. You will learn more from the bad days than the good ones because they’re designed to toughen you. But first, you must learn the life lessons attached to them. Some don’t and they get stuck at a certain level. Pray for guidance.

10.Many factors can affect the peace in your heart. It’s not easy but you must find a way to do it. Plug in with the Almighty. Let Him take over when you feel you’ve done your best. You’ll see every sunrise holds more promise; every sunset holds more peace.

11.Do yourself a favour. Protect your mind from overthinking. It’s a disability which serves no purpose. You need to protect your own thoughts. There’s nothing in this world that can trouble you more than your own thoughts.

12.We all get knocked down, some harder than others. That's a fact of life. Deal with it. Get up again. It'll help you grow. You're stronger than you think. You can do it. Quitting is never an option.

13.Struggling in life is part of your journey. Nothing comes easy. Getting close to the Almighty is a lifelong process. You cannot expect everything to magically fall into place. You need to depend on Him and trust that what He has planned for you is the best, for this life and the Hereafter.

14.Has it occurred to you that each time you pray, it could be your last? So take your time and develop a no-rush policy when praying to your Creator. May the Almighty be pleased with us and have Mercy on us all, the day He decides to take us.

15.Whatever your situation may be, the Almighty has all the answers; even if they aren’t the answers you want at that time. You have to trust Him when you face a closed door. After all, has He not brought you this far? Do you think He will abandon you tomorrow?


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