life lesson by mufti menk-146


life lesson by mufti menk

1.If you want to repent but you find yourself struggling with conflicting emotions, don't despair. Remember, Satan will do what it takes to steer you away from the Almighty. Understand his tricks. No matter how far down the wrong road you are, turn back to Him without delay.

2.Life is short. If you fill your heart with the love of the Almighty, He will reward you manifold and open doors you never imagined. But if you draw away from Him and fill your time with mindless distractions, you’ll end up lost in a stormy sea. Seek Him before it’s too late.

3.If you want peace in your life, learn to keep your distance from anything and anyone who disrupts it. Remember, you don’t have to react to everything. Respond appropriately when you see something is terribly wrong but otherwise your peace of mind is priority.

4.Privacy is key; that is if you value your peace and mental health. Oversharing is the root of many problems. Keep it low-key. Keep it unpredictable. No drama. It’s a huge barrier against those who want to destroy your plans.

5.Avoid the company of he who complains often, is quick to find fault and appreciates little. There’s always something amiss. Keep friends who are grateful and give positive vibes.

6.The more you obsess over the negative things in your life, the more it can potentially harm you. Cultivate a positive mindset. Move on and look forward. Don't dwell on the past.

7.Your words can wound and scar. Learn to listen to yourself when you speak. Don’t speak incessantly and too loudly, without regard for those around you. Always ask the Almighty to guide you to say the right things at the right time in the right tone so you won’t be misunderstood.

8.You’ll be challenged. You’ll be tested. At times it may feel like you’re being pushed to the edge. This is what life’s about. It’s meant to build character, strengthen your belief and build confidence. Embrace your tests.

9.Remember, everything happens for a reason. Sometimes you may not be able to comprehend it. That’s okay because the Lord of the Worlds is in control. So let it go and trust Him. Your peace is more important than trying to figure everything out.

10.Don't be affected by criticism. Positive or negative, take them in your stride. Know that the level of criticism rises with your worth.

11.Times are tough. The road ahead is filled with obstacles. Almighty. Keep our hearts at peace in remembrance of You. Never let us forget You, even in the blink of an eye. We know things will get better; that’s Your Promise. Keep us firm in faith. Aameen.

12.In life, you’ll meet all sorts of people. Among them, those you can't have a reasonable conversation with; they somehow twist your words or totally confuse you and then tell you that you're the one who doesn't know how to communicate. Best to avoid or stay away from such people.

13.Don’t let your mood affect the way you treat people. Most people are ruled by their emotions without any awareness that this is happening. But once you realize the power of emotions, simply acknowledging your own can help greatly as you can better manage them.

14.Life is full of ups and downs. Remember, not a single soul has his life all figured out. Anything can happen anytime. Our job is to be prepared. Embrace the good and bad times. Pray for guidance always.

15.Learn to let go of things and watch your life take dramatic turns. Remember, to let go is not to mourn over and regret the past but to grow and live for the future.


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