life lesson by mufti menk-148


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Don’t take things personally - an important aspect of self-care. When we don't take things personally, we recognize individuality and uniqueness in people. We accept that other people are different from us and that’s ok.

2.Satan will remind you to focus on the burden & miss the blessing. The Almighty has brought you this far. Do you think He will abandon you?

3.Never underestimate the endless ripple effect of any act of goodness and kindness, no matter how small it is. Sooner or later, it will make its way back to you. Remember, what goes around, comes around. Perhaps not immediately but trust the Almighty to reward you eventually.

4.Don’t tear someone down just to get yourself up there. Trust me it won’t last. The Almighty will see to that. Always be fair and just in all that you undertake.

5.Say no to people who mess with your head. The ones who keep doing things intentionally to upset you. The ones who always play the victim even though it’s obvious they’re wrong. The ones who expect you to prioritise them but won’t do the same for you. Avoid them.

6.Don’t pray only for yourself. Pray for others. Be generous with your prayers. Pray for those who have battles they don’t talk about.

7.Don’t rush people. Give them the time and space they need to to heal from their hurt. We all deal with trials and tribulations in our own unique ways. Lend an ear, a helping hand, make sure they know you’re there if they need you. That’s the best help you can offer.

8.Repeat this as often as you need to. Reset, reorientate, revamp, restart, readjust, rethink, reposition, etc. Don’t let your history determine your future. Today is a brand new day. Trust the Almighty to lay out the best plans for you.

9.Let’s face it. Most of the things we worry about in life are insignificant. Most of them we can’t control anyway. It’s the Almighty’s way of showing us who’s in control. So focus on being the best version of ourselves. Hand over the rest to Him.

10.Almighty. Help me to trust Your timing and NOT my own. Aameen.

11.Whatever’s going on around you, don’t let the negativity of the world depress you. Don't let your burdens drown you. Don’t think that your sins are the size of mountains and there’s no hope! Turn to the Almighty with sincere repentance. He loves those who repent.

12.Almighty. Grant strength to those suffering in silence, where life is hard and they feel they can't go on. But they put on a brave front despite all that. Have mercy on them. Pick them up and help them get through the difficult period. Aameen.

13.Are you on the verge of giving up? Don’t! Think of how far you’ve come. Everything you’ve been through; the times you thought you couldn’t make it but did; the mornings you couldn’t get out of bed but pushed yourself anyway. Always seek your strength from the Almighty.

14.You’re trying hard and the Almighty knows. He will keep testing you to see if you’re sincere; if you’re striving your utmost and bearing patience. Honestly, that’s all that matters. That He is satisfied you tried your best.

15.Remember, nothing lasts. Where you are today isn’t where you will stay. The Almighty has promised. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise with each new day. Keep hope alive in your heart. He’s right with you.


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