life lesson by mufti menk-149


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Quit negative thinking. There’s enough of that in the world today. Spread positive vibes. Be the voice of reason. Listen, empower, encourage, motivate and build people up.

2.Pain is something you experience often enough. How it affects you is up to you. Some get really upset, bitter with life. Some take it in their stride; try their best to cope. Some smile & breeze through it. Let your pain have a good purpose. Let it make you better & stronger.

3.Trust the Almighty’s timing. Only He knows why you're in the state you are for so long. Don’t fret because perhaps the delay in answering your prayer is better for you than getting what you want, when you want it. Trust Him to get you out of the situation at the right time.

4.Remember, if you hear something false about someone, defend him, speak up for him. The Almighty will defend you in this world and the next.

5.Almighty. We ask You to remove our attachment to worldly things. Instead, make our hearts attached to You and make us love You more. Keep our hearts pure and always obedient in Your Path, no matter what’s going on in our lives. It’s the only way to have peace in our hearts.

6.Trust the Almighty in your journey back to Him. The past may not have turned out the way you planned but remember, He is the best Planner and He can make your future better than you ever imagined.

7.Treat people with respect and honour. Never mind how they choose to treat you. Don’t stoop to their level. Treat them with love and kindness. Why should you? For a simple reason that what you do will find its way back to you. The Almighty will make sure it does.

8.Let go of things which don’t concern you. You’ll see your life take on a different turn. You’ll glow from within, be less stressed and have more time for the things that matter.

9.Do you doubt that the Almighty can solve your problem? The Lord of the Worlds can turn night into day, what makes you think He can’t turn your burdens into blessings?

10.Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. The more you’ve gone through hardship and trials, the stronger you become.

11.Do you have friends who will speak good about you behind your back? Friends who will stand up for you and defend you in your absence? If you have such friends, you’re blessed. Nurture the friendship.

12.Rumours are dangerous and of course sinful. They can make you hate the righteous and love the hypocrites. Be careful. Stay away from the trap of Satan.

13.Everything in life has a purpose. The Almighty does everything for a good reason. Learn from whatever comes your way. Nothing is a mistake or coincidence.

14.There’s so much suffering going on around us. It’s a fact that we are better off than so many people in the world. Yet we complain. Our struggles are small compared to others. Count our blessings before the Almighty takes everything away.

15.Do you feel like you’re constantly waiting? You wait for things to happen. In the process, you can either grow frustrated or you can grow in patience and strength. May the Almighty grant us the ability to wait patiently for what He has in store for us.


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